Sunday, January 31, 2010

Megan Fox Hairstyles

Beauty and Beautiful are associated with Megan Fox. Her dark chocolate hair and very stylish hairstyles play a big role in the image she sends out. Some people wonder how she manages to get all these hairstyles and yet look stunning everyday. The answer could very well be that she takes very good of her hair and this is proven by her numerous visits to the best hair salons in California.

She also takes supplements and drinks beverages that are vital to great hair care. The pictures below show the many hairstyles she wears when she makes special appearances and you can see that they range tremendously in style and probably more so than any other actress today. Her favorite hairstyle though would be the wild out of bed look. It’s simple and sexy and it fits the person that she is normally and naturally.

That messy, bed head look seems to never go out of style. Luckily for us, getting Megan’s messy waves is very easy to do. Even if you don’t have super long and wavy hair, with the right tools and techniques, it’s a piece of cake. Prepare your hair by cleansing and moisturizing with a shampoo and conditioner specifically designed to promote waves and volume, like HALO by Graham Webb Curl Shampoo and Conditioner. Rinse thoroughly and towel dry hair.

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Saturday, January 30, 2010

Matt Damon Hairstyle

Drawing inspiration from the hair style trends of our favorite stars and celebrities has become national past time. One such star hair style is Hollywood heartthrob Matt Damon. As a teen star his boyish good looks and long hair style served him well. Matt's new style cut has all the ladies watching his action packed moves. It’s no wonder he’s been voted People Magazine’s sexiest man alive.

TO GET THE LOOK: Are you thinking about trading in your regular boy’s hair cut for a new trendy look? If that’s the case, try Matt Damon’s style cut will give you a totally new image and identity. This action packed do’ loaded with sex appeal and a lethal “chick magnet”. To get the look, let’s take it one step at a time; starting with a style cut and shaping.

LET’S SHAPE IT: For Matt’s style, start with a contoured shape with close tapered sides and collar length neckline. The crown is combed forward and brushed to the side with a few love locks filling in the hairline. Matt’s hair style is ideal for straight or wavy hair and most face shape, especially those with strong facial features like Matt’s. With a few adjustments (trims) as it grows you can find the ideal length and shape for your style.

LET’S STYLE IT: Talk about easy styling, Matt’s stylish do’ almost styles itself. Start with a dab of shaping gel, styling foam or nothing at all. Just run either through damp hair and comb in place to dry
au natural. After, work a dab of pomade through the top and sides for a textured or spiky look and you’ve got Matt Demon’s star style!

LET’S ADD SIDEBURNS: Nothing can reshape a face or add a dramatic look like Sideburns. They can be full, close, long, short or narrow. This simple addition can make large ears appear smaller or a narrow face wider and definitely adds a stylish or artsy look. Include close short tapered sideburns and you’ve got the look.

NOW, LET’S COLOR IT: Actors like Matt Damon change their hair color often for the many characters the play so dying their hair is no big deal. Matt’s ash brown hair with gray around the edge is given a deep Coco brown hue with a semi permanent tint to define the shape and wash the gray away. After, a clear glaze is applied to seal-in the color and turn up the shine. To keep it up the new growth is colored with each or every other hair cut.

This cool trendy hair style has everything you need to kick your style appeal up big time! Starting with tapered collar length neckline and shapely sideburns plus a few short sexy “love locks” across the forehead to fill-in the blank spots. For a totally new identity, just add a dab of pomade and finger comb for a tousled or spiky look. Your stylish look is sure to have all your pals green with envy and asking “what’s up dude” when they see the hotties making a fuss over you and your Matt Damon hair style.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Liv Tyler Hairstyle

Liv Tyler has consistently been a able extra who takes on assorted roles. She played the aggressive adherent of Jimmy in "That Thing You Do!" and she was the babe of Harry Stamper (played by Bruce Willis) in "Armageddon." She was the able she-elf Arwen in "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy. And she became Betty Ross in the "The Incredible Hulk."

However, alfresco of the argent screen, Live Tyler stirs up altered reactions from critics because of her hairstyles. On some days, she receives amorous thumbs down. And on added days, the accepted Liv Tyler hairstyle is hailed as incomparable.

Which of Liv Tyler's hairstyles are ideal for her?

What makes some Liv Tyler's hairstyles a big hit? And added importantly, why is it that some Liv Tyler's hairstyles concluded up in the bad beard canicule bin? Liv Tyler faces abounding challenges aback it comes to her hair. In fact, it is safe to accept that chief the Liv Tyler hairstyle is added difficult than arena her roles. But actuality is an attack to break the secrets of the bigger Liv Tyler hairstyles.

Understanding Liv Tyler's face shape

In the apple of hairstyling, it is an important law to abstraction the appearance of the face to analyze the best adulatory hairstyle. Then, the purpose of the hairstyle is to accomplish the face arise afterpiece to the face appearance that is advised as absolute - the egg-shaped shape. This sounds accessible on the surface, but there is one little problem. It is attenuate for any being to accept a audible face shape. The majority of faces tend to accept a aggregate of face shapes. And herein exists the aboriginal claiming to Liv Tyler's hairstyles.

Liv Tyler has a face appearance that combines the egg-shaped and the oblong. The combination, however, is not analogously balanced. On abutting assay of Liv Tyler's face shape, her face is dominantly oval. The aphorism for egg-shaped face shapes is that the arrangement of the breadth of the face, which begins from the aerial to the tip of the chin, and the width, which is abstinent beyond the cheeks, should be 1.5. Liv Tyler's face appearance actually meets this accurate requirement. But abounding hairstylists, after this algebraic carefulness in mind, tend to accept that Live Tyler's face is added ellipsoidal than oval, and again they actualize Liv Tyler hairstyles accordingly. The result, obviously, is not the best.

Playing up the face appearance through Liv Tyler's hairstyle

The best Liv Tyler hairstyles should assignment on the actuality that her face is actually added egg-shaped than oblong. There is an apparition of a added ellipsoidal face because of her adequate chin. But there are admirable Liv Tyler hairstyles that baffle the rules for ellipsoidal faces. For example, ellipsoidal faces should never abrasion continued beard styles because the breadth will added elongate the face. But Liv Tyler's added egg-shaped face can get abroad with best hair. Ellipsoidal faces should additionally abstain departing the beard at the middle. But abounding adorable Liv Tyler hairstyles are beggared in the middle.

Keep in apperception that Liv Tyler does not accept a altogether egg-shaped appearance of face. This agency that a little aberration adjoin the rules for egg-shaped face shapes will be abstract on her. The Liv Tyler hairstyles, therefore, charge be called actual carefully. The adequate account is that egg-shaped face shapes can action best types of hairstyles. For example, egg-shaped face shapes will attending abundant with abbreviate hair. Life Tyler's chichi abbreviate beard aback she was the presenter of Oscars in 1999 fabricated her attending actually stunning. But any beard breadth will be adequate for her. The predominantly egg-shaped appearance additionally allows for best Liv Tyler hairstyles.

However, there is a little claiming that lies forth Liv Tyler's hairline. She has abundant accomplished babyish hairs that can't be pulled back. This is why abounding Liv Tyler hairstyles accept bangs, and she couldn't get abroad with a bound pulled aback ponytail. The best Liv Tyler hairstyles are those that cautiously anatomy her face, bringing out the admirable antithesis of her facial features.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Leonardo DiCaprio Hairstyles

Leo-Mania swept the nation after Leonardo DiCaprio's appearance as Jack Dawson in 1997's "Titanic," but the 33-year-old has since become involved in more edgy films promoting social justice and addressing environment issues. Like his evolving film career, Leo's hairstyle has evolved from a celebrity pretty-boy look to a more rugged, handsome style. If you follow a few, simple steps, you can have locks like Leo, one step closer to being the "king of the world."

This boyishly handsome fella – still a young man in his thirties – has a laundry list of awards and nominations to his credit, and single handedly brought the phrase “Leomania” into the mainstream long before the media started mushing celeb couple names into one.

And all the while he’s evolved from pretty boy to a De Niro caliber actor.

As a younger man, DiCaprio wore his hair a bit longer on top. Some variations included long shaggy blonde bangs, almost perfectly round all around the head. Later that became a long side sweep of hair full of texture and volume to lift back from the face and add a bit of height.

He’s also tried long, angled cut layers to show off sharp, handsome features. He still occasionally rocks a bit of a longer wave along the hairline.

The Best Dressed List-er has given some retro ‘do’s a try, like when playing legendary eccentric Howard Hughes. His hair was cut very short and layered on the sides and left longer with jagged texture cut in for sleek and smooth extra volume so that the front could be parted and combed back from his face.

Usually highlighting his dark blonde hair with some lighter brighter blonde slices of color to frame his face and brighten his blue eyes. Highlighting can also lighten up heavier, one length styles, like the wedged cut that he wore in “The Beach,” and later partnered with a bit of a scruffy goatee.
How To Get Leonardo DiCaprio Hair

To steal a bit of Leo’s Titanic style, keep hair cut close along the neckline, and a bit longer on the sides with layering at the front so that it can be parted to suit your face shape, or brush it back from the forehead.
style steps For a sleek, straight-haired look, work a firm hold mousse through damp hair, and brush into place or blow dry hair to add volume.
style steps Once hair has dried, try a spray wax or pomade to add definition and shine to the finished product. A foaming pomade with give hair a shinier, wet look.

If you’re more interested in Leo’s 2007 Oscar, dashing leading man slick back style, cut most of the hair tapered and short, with a long fringe to be combed back and allow for a bit of fullness.
style steps When hair is clean and conditioned, add a styling mousse and blow dry hair back with a rounded brush to give sleek volume.
style steps Then add a smoothing shine serum for the final, smooth look.

Leonardo is most recognized for his short layered hairstyles, and this one is no different. We see him donning a 50's flashback Medium Haircut for Thick Straight Hair. This cut is shorter on one side, with one layered bend. The other side of the actor's hair incorporates a fantastic layered bang. This Medium Haircut for Thick Straight Hair is perfectly designed and has come to define him.

Leonardo Dicaprio is an ultimate heartthrob actor who is recognized with his different hairstyles. One of his popular hairstyles is the short-layered although he is always seen with medium haircut for thick straight hair of the 50s period. This medium haircut has one layered end and is shorter on one side. Such haircut had been perfectly identified and designed for Leonardo Dicaprio. This haircut is also best on guys with medium thick hair, and oblong or oval face shape.
Popular Hairstyles/Haircuts of Leonardo Dicaprio

During the younger years of Leonardo Dicaprio, he used to wear longer hair on top with side-swept long hairstyles and pulled-off long shaggy bangs. The long angled layers cut of his hairstyle perfectly complement his cute and lovely facial features. Leonardo Dicaprio is often seen as well with experiments of very short layered cut with dark blonde highlights and jagged texture.

Leonardo Dicaprio hairstyles can also be straight and sleek. It can be sophisticated and conservative as well. One trademark of these hairstyles is its proper, well-groomed, and neat appearance. Its styles of cropped haircuts and spikes are pretty cool to wear. Leonardo Dicaprio hairstyles showcase classic and unique crispiness features that truly work on his face whatever age he is.

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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Girls Behaving Badly: Comedy of a Different Color

By Sheila Moeschen
Even by twenty first century standards, the moment was jaw-dropping.  This season of the AMC guilty pleasure, Mad Men, a show set in 1960s America, featured an episode where Roger Sterling, partner of the Sterling & Cooper advertising firm, threw a lavish country club party. Sterling added to the dining and dancing with his own brand of entertainment: serenading his new young wife with an old-fashioned southern ballad, performed in blackface.  What’s a little grease paint and a century of human atrocity between friends, right?

Blackface became shorthand for its association with nineteenth-century minstrelsy, a kind of performance where, typically, white actors, wearing black make-up, performed derogatory songs, dances and sketches lampooning African-Americans.  What is considered today as astonishingly distasteful on a moral and ethical scale ranging from Genghis Khan to Hitler, was a completely acceptable performance practice for much of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, benefitting male and female performers.
The eclectic nature of vaudeville with its emphasis on variety, risqué humor, and its appeal to working classes and immigrants became a logical place for racialized humor.  Apparently, the historical statute on racial stereotypes is nonexistent.  I suspect that archeologists have yet to release their findings of cave drawings of Cro-Magnon man mocking Rhodesia man’s small feet. In the late 1800s, caricatures of alcoholic Irishmen, sexually available African-Americans, and suspicious Jewish merchants brought the houses down with their overly simplistic, completely inaccurate, fairly absurd distortion of these groups. You know, like FOX News but with more pancake make-up.
Conscious of using every weapon in their comic arsenal, female comic performers adopted the principles of minstrelsy and blackface to give it their own gender-informed spin. One of the more popular types of racial performance involved what historians termed “coon songs.” These were racially charged songs and dances, typically set to ragtime accompaniment. The performance of race emerged from a combination of the lyrics and from the white comic’s movements such as an exaggerated “black wench walk.”  Comedienne May Irwin gained fame and immense popularity as a performer of racial humor.  She, like many of her fellow curvaceous performers, used her body as the focus of her depiction of “mammy” characters. Sophie Tucker, one of Irwin’s contemporaries, not only used blackface make-up, but she added a black wig and white gloves.  In her autobiography she claimed that “audiences would gasp and then howl with laughter” when she removed her gloves at the end of her act to show off her white skin.  Remember when white privilege was just so much, fun?
Anna Held, the beautiful, white, female comic who starred in many of Florenz Ziegfeld’s ornate follies, also tapped into the public’s appetite for racial humor.  In many of her acts, she used a staging gimmick called an “animated song sheet,” a huge sheet hung behind the performer that reproduced the piece’s vocal score of the chorus.  Instead of notes, 33 “woolly heads of negro choristers” protruded through the sheet; at Held’s cue, the group sang the song’s chorus.  Something tells me that Michael Richards would have done quite well for himself in the 1900s.

Anna Held

The relationship between race and comedy has evolved, but remains an uncomfortable territory for performers and spectators.  Who earns the right to joke about ethnicity?  Are there unwritten rules to this kind of humor?  Why do some racial characterizations prevail and others become taboo or does comedy, by virtue of its interest in challenging norms, give performers license to address any subject in any way they choose?  How does women’s handling of racial themes in comedy differ from the acts of their male cohort?
The women of vaudeville fed the public fascination for these degrading ethnic characterizations, pandering to the masses in a way that made economic and professional sense.  Additionally, one could argue that their comedy provided an outlet for American’s fears and anxieties over changes in the country’s political and cultural climate.  At the same time, blackface and minstrelsy eventually (thankfully) fell out of favor, leaving many of these comics to either reinvent themselves with new comedy or to face extinction.  Several fell victim to the latter, finding themselves unmarketable and unpopular.  They left the racially infused humor to successors like Whoopi Goldberg, Wanda Sykes, Ellen Cleghorn, or Margaret Cho to name a few who take on this subject with the kind of courage, wit and insight that neither make-up nor music can provide.

Margaret Cho on the "Long Duk Dong" experience

An excerpt from Dawn French's "Girls Who Do Comedy" interview with the truly inimitable Whoopi Goldberg

Woman in comedy Sheila Moeschen has a PhD in Theatre & Drama from Northwestern University with a Minor in Gender Studies. She puts theory into practice as an improv and sketch comedienne in Boston, MA.

Girls Behaving Badly: It Ain’t Over Till the Fat Lady Laughs

By Sheila Moeschen

When the brash, outspoken, robust comedienne Roseanne Bar announced her presence on the comedy circuit in the late-1980s, people thought it had to be an act. C’mon, no one sounds that bitchy, bored and contemptuous all the time, right? And while we’re on the subject, that Apple company is never really going to make a comeback, is it? People thought differently after the night of July 25, 1990.  In the span of 1 minute and 16 seconds, a frequency and tone shattered the lush San Diego night that made dogs run into traffic and unborn babies stick their fingers in their ears. 

That night Roseanne performed her very special rendition of the Star Spangled Banner before a San Diego Padres baseball game. Hocking a wet lugie on the dusty mound for good measure, the edgy comic flashed her toothy smile and grabbed her crotch before ambling off the field, jogging slightly to avoid the hailstorm of beer cups and obscenities hurled down upon her.

The funny fat lady had sung, but it definitely was far from over. During her stand-up career in the 1980s and early 1990s, Roseanne honed her stage persona based largely on her average looks, blue collar observations about white collar life, nasally piercing voice, and full figure.  She owned her girth with jokes like: “Fat moms are way better than skinny moms. What do you want when you’re depressed? A skinny mom goes ‘Well, why don’t you jog around the block and release the adrenaline from your body.’ A fat mom says ‘Let’s have some Oreos and pudding. When you wake up from that sugar coma it will be a brand new week.’”  Part trailer trash, part working-class Jane, and part satirical “Domestic Goddess,” Roseanne’s self-effacing style and open disdain for, well, everything was indebted to a long tradition of comediennes working in one of the theatre’s most grueling, unforgiving and cutting-edge mediums: vaudeville.

During the turn of the century, vaudeville featured fast-paced, raw, bawdy, highly physical, manic entertainment. Jugglers, singers, dancers, and comics shared the nightly bill with animal acts and novelty performances.  Entertainers created new material weekly and sometimes nightly, kind of like a daily, living Rocky movie if Rocky had been a writer/performer, with twice the sweat and three times the stakes, but with a less kick-ass soundtrack.
Vaudeville was cheap and highly visual so it appealed to working class audiences and non-native spectators (a wife and sheep bit plays the same in any culture).  It was also an ideal forum for female performers who didn’t conform to the standards of beauty, figure and (my personal favorite) “pleasantness” put forth by society’s standards for the actress working the “legitimate” (i.e. non-musical, non-variety) theatre. In her book Rank Ladies, Theatre historian Alison Kibler describes the world of vaudeville and its funny women:
“The eccentric women in vaudeville … were fat, dark-skinned or ‘too mannish.’ In the playful, often novel world of vaudeville, the grotesque women who joked and cackled at prudish Victorian matrons, abused husbands in comic sketches, and took over male parts in athletic acts and slapstick routines were regularly labeled freaks, transvestites and deviants.” 
They also did a lot of suggestive winking and nudging, which was the Roseanne-crotch-grab equivalent.  And most importantly, they were hugely popular (pun intended, wink-wink, nudge-nudge).
Women such as Marie Dressler, Trixie Friganza and Eva Tanguay, self-proclaimed, fat and funny comediennes, won popular and critical acclaim during their careers in the early-1900s.

Marie Dressler as the dowager in "Dinner at Eight."

Dressler, weighing more than 200 pounds, capitalized off her mannish features and outrageous physique by using physical comedy to heighten the disparity between herself and her slender and attractive cast mates. One description of a 1914 performance noted the hilarity that ensued when Dressler sat on and crushed her fellow slender, male player (said crushed player could not be reached for comment. Nudge-nudge, pun-pun). 
Similarly, Friganza, one of the earliest predecessors of contemporary stand-up comediennes, created her acts around “fat girl troubles,” or issues of attractiveness and marriage. Audiences celebrated these women who bore everything thing they had (and even things they manufactured) for comedy’s sake.  Their presence in vaudeville and their popularity helped other women to make a deeper impact on the male-dominated industry. Moreover, by playing on their physicality, these women presented a wry, humorous critique of cultural gender norms. But to what ends?
Turns out, people became a bit angry at Roseanne Barr, claiming she went too far in her parody of ball players and America’s pastime.  The ugly backlash against the comic hit her square in the gut (nudge-nudge, literally).  Roseanne became the poster child for the shrewish, unruly, unattractive, loud-mouthed woman, which, ipso facto translated into: undesirable.  Dressler and her cohort faced a similar issue in their comic approach:  By using their unconventional bodies as comic fodder they risked perpetuating the worst types of stereotypes and perceptions of women.  Dressler’s legacy resides in Roseanne, Lisa Lampanelli, Mo’Nique, and many others who place themselves as the object of derision, but is there a political, artistic, and personal limit to this approach?
Who laughs last, the funny fat lady or the lady who thinks fat is funny?

Woman in comedy Sheila Moeschen has a PhD in Theatre & Drama from Northwestern University with a Minor in Gender Studies. She puts theory into practice as an improv and sketch comedienne in Boston, MA.

Maria Bamford and Jackie Kashian to headline WICF 2010!

Maria Bamford

Jackie Kashian

Huge news! We're thrilled to announce that Maria Bamford(Comedians of Comedy, HBO) and Jackie Kashian (Comedy Central, Bob and Tom) will be our headliners for 2010. They will perform on Saturday, March 27th. And, lucky us, Jackie Kashian will also be performing on Friday, March 26th! Mark your calendars! More details coming soon.

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Monday, January 25, 2010

Kristin Cavallari's Hair Style

Allow all good how are you lucky this time into this blog because I show my back hair models idol artist you all this time is the haircut of Kristin Cavallari's well if you want to know more deeply, please visit my blog on ok ...

If you're looking for easy but stylish hair this summer try a version of Kristin Cavalleri's hairstyle. This Laguna Beach-worthy hairstyle is best suited for naturally straight hair but can be achieved on wavy hair with a little bit of help from the proper hair products.

The cut for Kristin Cavalleri's hairstyle is a shoulder length bob with heavy layering in the last two inches of length via a razor cut. These layers will give movement to the hairstyle and allow for a slight flipping of the ends of the hair. The bang section is left long, at least nose length, and swept to the side.

To style Kristin Cavalleri's hairstyle use a texturizing hair crème or, if you have wavy hair, a straightening balm. Apply the hair product to damp hair, give your hair a deep side part, and blow dry with a large paddle brush. You don't want a lot of volume in this hairstyle, so use the brush to get a little lift at the roots but keep the rest of the hair straight and sleek.

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Sunday, January 24, 2010

Miley Cyrus desperate to get married

Miley Cyrus desperate to get married
The 17-year-old star, who recently denied that she is engaged to Hemsworth, has been joking to pals about the possibility of changing her name to match her 18-year-old boyfriend's.

"Miley is crazy in love with Liam and keeps joking that Miley Hemsworth sounds so fancy and sophisticated. She says she can't wait to turn 18 this year so she that could do whatever she wants even if it means marrying her boyfriend," said a source.

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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Miley Cyrus supports suicide prevention campaign

Miley Cyrus

Hannah Montana actress Miley Cyrus is lending her support to a suicide prevention group to help land them a 625,000-pound grant.

The 17-year-old star shot for a video calling out fans to vote for the To Write Love On Her Arms organisation to win the Chase Community Giving program.
Miley Cyrus
“I don’t think people really realise what a problem (suicide) is and how many people really struggle with depression and end up taking their lives for it, especially so many young people out there so I think it’s really important we all get involved,” the Daily Express quoted her as saying.

“The money will go towards the launch of a live online crisis network which will be really amazing for all these people that just need a family and community.

“I think it’s an amazing cause and I really want everyone to go out there and get involved,” she added.

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