Friday, April 2, 2010

Friar Sue Constantine interviews youngest performer @ WICF 2010> Taylor Laffey

...And, with a last name like that we think she's bound to go far!

Sue: You were the youngest performer in the Women In Comedy Festival this year. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

Taylor: Well, I'm a junior at Boston Latin School, which is the oldest public school in the United States. I'm in the school's improv troupe, the Yellow Submarines and was also cast as leading lady in BLS's submission to the Massachusetts High School Drama Guild Competition. I am also a regionally ranked Irish step dancer, and in July I will be going to North American Nationals for the first time. And, most importantly, I'm a stand-up comic.

Sue: When did you first know you wanted to pursue performing in comedy?

Taylor: I've always been a big comedy fan. I've lost my tv remote for months at a time without even noticing because my tv is always on Comedy Central. The first time I actually decided I want to be a comic is such a  dorky story. When I was a freshman I found out Dane Cook, whom I am a huge fan of, was filming a movie a few blocks from my house. Of course, being the fangirl I am, I absolutely had to go down and try to meet him. After waiting for hours for them to finish filming, I finally met him. Walking home, I thought about how happy he looked, and I was just so happy that he was living his dream. It was then that I realized I really wanted to become a comic.

Sue: How did your parents feel about it?

Taylor: When I first told my mother, she laughed, and not for the right reasons. I don't quite remember how I told my dad, but I doubt he was elated. It's funny, but I feel like it was the closest I'll ever have to come to "coming out" to my parents. Now they're really supportive. They drive me to all my shows and watch me perform. My dad tries to write my material, despite my protests.

Sue: Who are your comedy idols/biggest influences?

Taylor: I've been told I channel a lot of Dane Cook on stage, which I'll take as a compliment. I love his high-energy style. I would have to say my comedy idol is Bo Burnham. He's 19, a nationally known musical-comedian and he's in the process of writing a script for Judd Apatow and about to film his second Comedy Central special. He's on the cutting edge of comedy, and being so successful at such a young age, he's just such an inspiration to me.

Sue: Have you been trained in comedy?

Taylor: My school's improv troupe, the Yellow Submarines, occasionally has alumni and improvisors from BU work with us which is very helpful. Last summer I also took a 2-week long course at ImprovBoston for high school students where we worked on improv and stand-up. In any form of comedy, if you only work on your style or material with a limited group of people, your definitely going to suffer, which is why I love getting as many critiques as I can.

Sue: Where do you get your inspiration for material?

Taylor: I try to find humor in everyday life. I feel like those are the most relatable topics. This probably sounds really cheesy, but I love to show people how silly some of the things we blindly accept are, so maybe my audience will question just a few more things that they didn't before. I talk a lot about my family too, mainly because everyone unfortunately has one. Everyone can relate to overbearing parents.

Sue: What are your goals when you leave high school?

Taylor: I would love to get into the acting program at Emerson, but even just going to Emerson would be so amazing, since they have such a strong tie to comedy. I would like to do at least one paid stand-up gig before I "retire" from comedy, but I doubt I'll ever be able to retire. Comedy is just too addicting.

Sue: What is your biggest dream?

Taylor: It would be pretty awesome to be the youngest comic with a Comedy Central special, a title that Bo Burnham earned when he was 18 and 4 days old. I guess I would be pretty elated being the youngest female with a Comedy Central special, or just to have one.

Sue: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Taylor: Hopefully, world famous and too rich for my own good. More likely I'll be touring the country performing for a decent amount of money, but not enough for my own apartment, so I'll be living off of a friend's futon in New York City, or in my car.

Sue: Where can we see you next?

Taylor: The Yellow Submarines are performing at Boston Latin School (78 Avenue Louis Pasteur Boston, MA 021115) April 16th and 3pm and 7pm. Tickets are available at the door for $5 (what a steal!). We're hilarious. Trust me.
And, You could also always see me on my youtube channel, I'll be trying to update it more and get the word out when I'm performing.

Sue: Thanks Taylor! We are excited to see where you go!!!

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