Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Dude, why is your face leaking?

This morning I had to take a trip to the doctor because of acute nosebleeds I've been having of late. It's been my first trip to the doctor since I was little, and since that was to a pediatrician I don't really count it. OHMYGOSH I hate filling out paper work, there's just so friggin much of it! Why did no one tell me I was going to have to sit there for EVER(like ten whole minutes!) and write down my address a GAZILLION times(like two!)?
Then they had to weigh me... like that's ever a good experience. I already know how much I weigh, they didn't need to shout it to the whole place!... Okay, so the nurse didn't actually say my weight out loud, but she was thinking it really loud! Then, of course, there was the seeing how tall I am. I got excited about this part because I'm a whole half-inch taller than I thought I was! That's right, I'm 5'1 1/2" ladies!
Life: Complete.
So, of course, I got a text a bit later from my boyfriend wanting to know if the doctor knew "why your face leaks". This is what I said back: "Ahem, there are clusters of veins in the tip of your nose called the Somethingsomethingsomething. The doctor said mine are overly irritated for whatever reason, and when they get irritated they can crack and bleed scary amounts. It's a pretty easy fix though, I just have to get a humidifier and keep my clusters Neosporin-ed up".
ANYWHO, high points for today:
  • I'm 5' 1 1/2"! What now?!
  • I'm not going to die(hooooooray)
  • The doctor gave me a sucker(because I'm an adult, gosh darnit!)

Low points were, of course:
  • Stupid lame paperwork
  • Getting weighed in public
  • I'm going to have to get a humidifier for my room
So, I've decided to never go to the doctor ever again. I think the trick is going to be never ever get sick.

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