Saturday, May 28, 2011

Oh, what a day is today!

Oh, what a day is today!
Nothing can stand in my way!

A few weeks ago I was drawing smiley faces on some rocks and Jesse joined in. We soon had many happy rocks! I made a little sign that said "Rockville" and took some pictures. Would you like to see them? Of course you would, you love pictures! Or is that me? I can never remember. Well, in any case, here they are:

I've been playing a lot of Sims lately. I have the Sims 3, which I love. It's so friggin addicting. You know what I hate though? When your Sim woman gets knocked up and has a gawdawful ugly baby that you can't do anything about. I mean honestly, I don't think the thing is capable of generating a decent looking baby Sim. 

It's just a shame that I hate you!

I made these!

They're arm warmers. I actually really like making them. I sometimes put them on Etsy, somebody bought a pair of purple ones once and I was super excited! I have these blue ones, and I'm making a pair of red/orange ones too.  

I'm job searching once again, with not a whole lot of luck. Ugh, I hate job searching so much. It's the worst part. But it'll work out, I think.
Anyway! It's about five in the morning, so I'd better go to bed.

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