Friday, September 23, 2011

Favorite Book Characters

A good book is its own world. It has a believable story, an interesting setting, and, of course, good characters. The characters are usually my favorite part.
So I've compiled a list of my very favorite characters from books!

From The Hundred and One Dalmatians, by Dodie Smith.

Bet you thought it was just a Disney movie where a creepy lady and her screw up sidekicks steal a bunch of puppies, didn't you?
I got this book one year at the local library book sale when I was younger. I read it, and it was instantly my favorite book. I've read it probably over twenty times and it is still one of my favorites. Don't think that just because you've seen the Disney movie you know what the book is about, oh no. The book is much different. It's deeper, more complex, creepier, sweeter, more sad, and more heart warming.
Perdita is not, as she was portrayed in the movie, the "wife"(or whatever) of Pongo(Pongo's lady is named "Missis Pongo"). Perdita is a dog that Mr. Dearly nearly runs over one night after Missis Pongo gives birth to about fifteen puppies. the Dearlys take Perdita in and she helps nurse some of the puppies(because the Dearlys were worried that Missis might not be able to take care of all of them). This works because Perdita had recently had a litter of puppies of her own, although she lost all of them, along with their father, with whom Perdita was in love(or whatever).

Anyway, I really liked Perdita. Although she's not in the story much after Cruella de Vil takes the pups, she sort of stays with you, and she's in the end. Her story is sad, but she gets a happy ending, which makes me really happy.

Poison, Peppercorn, and Anderson
From Poison, by Chris Wooding.

Poison is a sort-of fairytale about a girl who's sister gets taken by phaeries. Poison is also the name of the main character. 
Poison was raised in a marsh, where people died every day and nobody thought anything of it, because it was just "the way of things". Nobody who lived in the marsh ever left, even though it kind of sucked. Then, one day, Poison's  baby sister Azalea was taken by the Scarecrow, and a Changeling was left in her place. So Poison set out for the Realm of Phaerie, where the Scarecrow is from.
Poison is stubborn and sometimes rash, she's often spiteful and rude and her temper sometimes gets the better of her. I really enjoyed her character though. It's many layered and, I think, interesting.
Peppercorn is a girl Poison meets at the house of Maeb, the Bone Witch. She's a little strange, she's timid and faints very easily, but she's also very cheery and upbeat despite living her whole life imprisoned with the Bone Witch.
Anderson is Peppercorn's cat. He came from the Realm of Phaerie and knows much more than any cat should.
Also one of my favorite books.

From White Oleander, by Janet Fitch
White Oleander is about a girl(Astrid) who gets bumped from foster home to foster home after her mother goes to prison for murdering her douchebag boyfriend. 
The character of Astrid is just wonderful. She grows and learns and and you feel things as she does. Sometimes she makes bad decisions and does bad things and she's completely real and believable. You can feel her character change as she goes through new things. 
The book itself is just terrific, it's one I honestly think most people should read if they have the attention span.
They also made a movie, which I thought was pretty good. It's not as good as the book, of course, and some really big parts are left out, but it has Patrick Fugit in it as Paul Trout. And I do love Patrick Fugit.

Luna Lovegood
In Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (and the books after that), by J.K. Rowling.
I'm pretty sure I don't have to explain Harry Potter.
Anyway, though, Luna Lovegood is my favorite character from the Harry Potter books. She's weird and quirky, funny, honest, and loyal.
I also really liked Evanna Lynch as her in the movies.

There are probably more, but I've gone on long enough. I'll leave you now.

Who are your favorite book characters?

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