Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Stuff Today!

Rookie is a little internet magazine... thing, for teenage girls.
I really like it a lot (even though I'm almost out of my teenage years). It's cute, girly, and fun, while not really taking itself terribly seriously.

Listening To

I watched this video today and I absolutely loved it. It was sad but I enjoyed the music a lot.

Okay, now watch this and please, please tell me what the balls is going on. I think I had a seizure. That may be the weirdest music video I have ever seen ever. I'm not really a fan, but I had to put this here because it's just so frickin weird.

And then there's Civet. Which is something I really like.

And Hole. Which is odd, but I like it.

The Sims 3.
Must. Have. Toddler. Become. Genius.

And that's about it. 
Oh, wait! I also dyed my hair last night. I turned out awful so this morning I just said "Fuck you, hair!" and cut a crapton of it off... and gave myself bangs again.
Other than that, though, it's been an uneventful day.

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