Monday, February 28, 2011

I Have Mastered The Art Of Worrying

Alright, so there are a lot of things I worry about. Worrying is something I do particularly well. Heck, it's almost an art.
But some of the things that worry/bother/frighten me the most, in no particular order, are:
  1. When noodles get left out and turn brownish and crunchy.
  2. Hand sanitizer. That stuff does not look sanitary. It usually has gunk around the lid, UHG.
  3. Starting to read a book, and not being able to finish it. I'll have this incomplete feeling in the back of my head until I go and finish the book.
  4. When my mom tries to talk to me about sex. Why would you tell me that!? WHY!?!?
  5. The word sex. I don't know why. I couldn't say it without laughing until I was fifteen.
  6. White bread. It's all... white. And it's not sturdy at all. What am I supposed to do with that?
  7. People who say "u" instead of "you" or "r" instead of "are". It's only two extra letters man, do you think I'm so desperate for your text that I can't wait two seconds for you to finish the word?
  8. Ballpoint pens. They don't make any sound.
  9. Places that sell garden gnomes.
  10. When people tell me to get rid of stuff I "don't need". How do I know I'll never need my stuffed animals again? What if there's a tornado? Or a flood? Or the Apocalypse? In that case i'll need them to comfort me!
And, since ten seems like a really good number to me, I'll leave it at that.

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