Thursday, February 24, 2011

Stick People!!

You know what's fun? Stick drawings, that's what.
You know how hard it is to draw ANYTHING on paint? Really, that's how hard.
But one of the many things that I do that may be considered strange is draw stick figures of people I know.
Let me share them with you.


Of COURSE I drew Jesse first, that's what stalkers do.

My friend Elizabeth, in Arizona. Yeah, that's a purple house. Be jealous.

My friend Josh, in a creepy basement where he belongs.

My friend Alissa, as a superhero. See? she has a green cape. A good superhero has a green cape.

This guy! In the desert... for no actual reason.

My brother, swimming with an octopus... there's not a reason for this one either.

Oh, such fun!
And, now that i'm thinking about it, so incredibley creepy!

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