Thursday, September 1, 2011

"Ugh" Day

Today is an "ugh" day. So, in honer of the occasion, I decided to write a list of great things to do when you're having one of these "ugh" days.

* Stay in bed * Refuse to put on pants * Have someone bring you breakfast in bed, or lunch in bed... or supper in bed * Watch movies * Eat comfort food* Eat something sweet * Turn on some music and dance around and sing along * Get a hug. A really good one, from someone you love * Take a bath. Get a book, and some tea and go soak * Watch cartoons * Nap * Do something silly. Silly things are always good for breaking you out of a funk * Go to the mirror, look yourself in the eye and say "You look awesome. How is it even possible that you look so great? Is it even allowed?" * Go to your closet and get something that's totally awesome, but you never wear. Put it on and just lounge around the house in it * Tell someone that you love them * Laugh. Laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh * Get some crayons and paper and draw hearts and flowers and maybe some stick people * Using those same crayons, make a list of things that make you happy, then say them out loud *

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