Wednesday, April 25, 2012


I've been so incredibly busy lately that I've had time for absolutely nothing. But as I'm getting back into the swing of things I'm finding time for things again.
And I've been re-discovering things lately.

Oh, dear blogger, I'm sorry I've ignored you. You were always good to me. Still friends? I promise to blog more often.

I watched the new Muppets movie a few weeks ago and it made me so incredibly happy. It was like there was a piece of my soul missing and this movie found it and krazy glued it right back in there.
I missed the Muppets so much, and I didn't even realize it.

I routinely forget how much I love Lenka but then I'll stumble upon one of her songs and I'll immediately have to go listen to all of them.

That explains everything, doesn't it?
The other day Jesse decided to play Skyrim again as a character who doesn't use weapons but only punches. He started talking about it and we all remembered how awesome Skyrim is.
So that's what I've been doing for every second I'm not at work for about two weeks(I have it on right now).

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