Wednesday, May 30, 2012

My Newest Obsession

So I'll admit I'm a bit late for this train, but it really isn't my fault. I've never watched a ton of TV and my family never had cable. 
It's Buffy!
Oh my god, how did I live without Buffy The Vampire Slayer? I had no idea what I was missing. All the vampires, and the slaying of the vampires. I'm only on the Thirteenth episode of the second season, but I love it. I've been watching it non-stop on Netflix every moment I'm not at work. I'm watching it right this second (Miss Calender is a gypsy? Whaaaaaaat?).
I love Buffy herself, but Angel is a little mopey for me. I really love Giles. A British librarian? Yes please. And he's pretty badass. Xander is funny is a dorky way. Also Willow is absolutely adorable. She might be my favorite.

I like the vampire Drusilla for some strange reason, and I NEED more of Oz. He's only been in, like, two episodes so far and he's already the funniest one.  Seth Green is so cute.

I feel like before Buffy I must have been just floating through life, living in ignorant bliss and, you know, actually doing things. Like cleaning. But who needs dishes? Not me. I've got this new show to eat off of. Clean clothes? Not for me. Take a shower? ... Does that mean I have to stop watching Buffy? Well then you'll just have to get used to the smell of root beer, sweat, and stagnation because it's my day off work and I'm not going to stop watching Buffy unless I have to pee or our internet goes out. Oh god. I hope our internet doesn't go out.

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