Sunday, May 20, 2012

We're All Gay For Scarlett Johannson

Instead of anything else I was going to post I have to tell you about my night.
Mostly Jesse, Chris and I went and saw the Avengers movie.

It was only fucking awesome
I'm a lady, and somehow even I managed to have a giant boner during that whole movie. For multiple reasons. 

1) It was really damn cool. I have a really hard time pinning down exactly why it was so flippin cool, so I'll tell you a couple things that Chris said that I agree with. First, it was directed by Joss Wheden, who, if you don't know, is just an awesome director. He's the man, man. He also did Firefly, Serenity, Buffy, Dr. Horrible and other stuff I can't think of right off the bat. That dude rules. Secondly, the movie was really good at transitioning quickly from serious moments to goofy ones. A lot of the time when movies try to do that it comes off as forced or cheap. But Whedon really made it work. Which comes to the third reason, Whedon actually read the Avengers comics, and that makes all the difference. 

2) You forgot that that list was inside a bigger list, didn't you? Me too. I got carried away. But this is my Boner List, remember? Right. Well the second reason for my Lady Boner was that everyone in this movie was hot.Chris Evans  (Captain America) is just dreamy, Robert Downey Jr. (Iron Man) is a handsome man, I find Mark Ruffalo (The Hulk) strangely attractive, Chris Hemsworth (Thor) is a babe, I might be gay for Scarlett Johansson (The Black Widow)(aren't we all?), and Jeremy Renner (Hawkeye) is a cutie.

3) And holy crap, the fights were just so awesome. 

4) A lesser reason was that there were no love interests. Which I really liked. This is an action movie, people, there's no reason for someone to get naked or bone somebody else. And guess what, they didn't! It was refreshing. Lately, whatever movie you watch, somewhere in it will be a couple minutes of pointless humping because... well there's no actual reason. And that bothers me a lot. So it was really nice that The Avengers didn't have that.

Anyway, my point is:
Go see The Avengers!

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