Tuesday, July 26, 2011

guinness book of records

guinness book of records. Guinness Book Of Records.
  • Guinness Book Of Records.

  • pmpknetr21
    Mar 19, 03:48 PM
    Really nice for the schools.

    guinness book of records. 2007 Guinness Book
  • 2007 Guinness Book

  • robbieduncan
    Sep 25, 10:42 AM
    Can't believe aperture doesn't support more RAW types yet.

    Until it supports more/all of the raw types, it will never be a real 'pro' application imho

    Which cameras in particular. It already supports all the serious Pro cameras if you ignore the very recently announced Canon and Nikon amature DSLRs.

    guinness book of records. Guiness Book of Records
  • Guiness Book of Records

  • wizard
    Oct 6, 01:38 PM
    I think it does, all other manufactures are spitting out models every month and Apple has two models that they sell every year and they sell more then these other manufactures. Why change that? Can Apple succeeded at selling more models when nobody else can?
    First off Apple isn't even close to first in sales, so your thoughts are based on faulty data. Second even if they where first in sales selling even more hardware is better. Given the right features more models simply means more sales.

    guinness book of records. faces the Guinness Book of
  • faces the Guinness Book of

  • coder12
    Mar 25, 09:39 AM
    Second that.

    Motion passed. Court dismissed?

    guinness book of records. 147/926. Norris McWhirter
  • 147/926. Norris McWhirter

  • pianojoe
    Jul 6, 02:30 AM
    This brings up an interesting question for me:

    Since the Mac mounts Windows FW drives no prob, couln't you just move the PC's HD to a FW enclosure, and connect it to the iMac?

    Just guessing...

    guinness book of records. guinness book of records.
  • guinness book of records.

  • thatisme
    Mar 29, 08:42 AM
    no manufacturer uses effective focal lengths to refer to lenses for dslrs (e. g. it's a 17-55 mm f/2.8 lens and not a 27-88 mm f/2.8 (equiv.) lens), be it a lens tailored for crop lenses or otherwise, but always the physical focal length.

    Correct. Your lens is based in 35mm terms. So by utilizing a less than 35mm sensor'd camera, you are not using the full 35mm image being projected which is where this 1.6 factor comes into play.

    Where RobbieDuncan is missing the boat, and most that are arguing incorrectly is that the image will be the same using an EF lens on either a 1.6 sensor'd camera or a FF sensor'd camera. The end result is that it will not. Focal length of the lens has not changed, but your image has.

    For the EF-S lenses, since the rear element is smaller, your image circle is smaller, and is tailored to the 1.6 sensors... agreed? Ok. How can this now apply to 35mm? you don't have a full 35mm image circle projected through the lens. So apply your FOVCF to the actual focal length and you will get a hypothetical, imaginary number that equated to 35mm. But since your lens elements cant transmit a full 35mm image, then the argument goes out the window.

    What does happen, as indicated by the linked image earlier whereby the 5D was modified to accept an EF-S lens, the image is not complete. Not enough image is sent through the optics of the lens. This shows exactly what my argument has been all along.... the image will be different. What a 1.6 camera is doing is taking that sample image, but only recording the center of it. So, Effectively, it is a zoomed image. So the Effective Focal Length for that image is bigger... say 50mm, where the lens may have been an EF-S 35mm.

    guinness book of records. the Decade : Guinness Book
  • the Decade : Guinness Book

  • ptuxbury
    Feb 25, 06:45 AM
    An another note, everybody makes mistakes. I don't think it's necessary to insult some of the parents posting here for their struggles with their children. I bet a lot of the insults come from people who aren't even parents themselves, so they wouldn't have a clue about the complexities, difficulties, and stresses associated with being a parent.

    These parents already have their hands full without someone else (who probably doesn't understand anyway) insulting them.

    guinness book of records. Guinness Book of Records,
  • Guinness Book of Records,

  • -SD-
    Jun 17, 03:14 AM
    Yeah, there'll be a cheaper version of the S to replace the Arcade/Pro systems. It'll probably have a 120GB HDD and maybe even be glossy white, as white Kinects have been spotted.


    guinness book of records. guiness book of world records
  • guiness book of world records

  • BC2009
    Apr 12, 05:34 PM
    Pages and Number are TRASH compared to Word and Excel(especially excel)

    Keynote is actually pretty good!

    I use MS Office, iWork and even OpenOffice.org. I never said Word and Excel were bad (I think they are great) -- only that I also think Pages and Numbers and Keynote are great too (especially Keynote). Each has their purpose. Pages is fantastic for creating a single page layout from their templates. Numbers does a rocking job of creating fluffy charts and diagrams for you to copy/paste into other things (it also does a nice job letting you categorize by column).

    If I am working with a large data set I prefer Excel or OpenOffice.org depending on which makes it easier to crunch the numbers in my desired way. When I am writing a large document (like a technical specification), again I turn to MS Word or OpenOffice.org, since Pages seems to do better at single page layouts and is less robust when working with large documents. I tend to prefer OpenOffice.org when I need to make sure my documents are portable to others who have not chosen to fork over hundreds of dollars to Microsoft.

    guinness book of records. guinness book of records
  • guinness book of records

  • goobot
    Apr 12, 04:28 PM
    Surveys are not usually right.... based on # sold is where the truth is.

    guinness book of records. Guinness+ook+of+records+
  • Guinness+ook+of+records+

  • LightSpeed1
    Apr 5, 02:01 PM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/04/05/ipad-2-tops-consumer-reports-tablet-ratings/)


    Consumer Reports released (http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/apples-ipad-2-tops-consumer-reports-tablet-ratings-119237109.html) their tablet ratings today, and found the iPad 2 to be the best tablet they tested. The Motorola Xoom was the closest competitor, but fared worse on ease of use and portability as compared to the iPad 2. Consumer Reports warns against the lower-priced options as those costing under $300 and under were "at best medicore."

    Consumer Reports made headlines (http://www.macrumors.com/2010/07/12/consumer-reports-cant-recommend-iphone-4-due-to-signal-issues/) last July when it declined to recommend the iPhone to consumers due to antenna issues that could result in loss of signal.

    Article Link: iPad 2 Tops Consumer Reports' Tablet Ratings (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/04/05/ipad-2-tops-consumer-reports-tablet-ratings/)No surprise here.

    guinness book of records. guinness book of records.
  • guinness book of records.

  • MikeTheC
    Nov 14, 12:51 PM

    How about this (sung to the tune of "Oh Christmas Tree"):

    Oh, Macintosh, oh Macintosh!
    Think differently, forever!
    Oh, Macintosh, oh Macintosh!
    Don't stop being so clever!

    With great designs, and OS X,
    I'll sing your praises over again...


    This is cool! I like it! At least someone around here understands how to be polite and "in the spirit" of the holidays, etc.

    Oh, and to the folks here who want to throw stones at what I said...

    The "Hate America" crowd never fails to amaze me. And I'm not saying that only people who are foreigners are America-haters. We've got a lot of that hate crowd here as both natural and naturalized citizens. Please don't preach to me about the ills of slavery or of religious/social intolerance. I'm quite capable of understanding and recognizing them for what they have been, and what they are.

    By the same token, let's not forget that we who are here now, and even those who's ancestry can be traced back to before the revolution, ultimately are not indigenous, ancestrally, to this continent. The hatred and evils you so desperately want to ascribe to America were brought, lock stock and barrel, from Europe. Let's also not forget the role which African tribal leaders played in selling their own people into bondage and slavery. There is a saying: it takes two to tango.

    What's funny is how hypocritical and disingenuous some of you folks are. I point out how I don't celebrate certain holidays but respect the holidays because I respect those who celebrate them, and Justin Long's Mac character points out what ills his platform doesn't suffer, and you call us arrogant and hateful people. We're telling the truth (and a rather positive one at that) and all you can do is respond to us with disrespect and vituperative hatred! You accuse us of being intolerant, and yet you practice the very same intolerance you accuse us of!

    What's next, you're going to label us all as baby killers, murderers and rapists?

    I work in a culturally and theologically diverse workplace, yet you won't see even so much as one second of me trying to push my views (religious or otherwise) on other people, but somehow since I'm a Christian (actually, I'm a Missouri-Synod Lutheran protestant) I'm a scourge upon humanity. Talk about intolerance.

    guinness book of records. Guinness Book of Records
  • Guinness Book of Records

  • bluebomberman
    Mar 2, 02:36 PM
    Google literally Velcro's their server farms? Dang, I should try that.

    I'm serious. See here (http://www.nytimes.com/2006/06/14/technology/14search.html?pagewanted=all). And here (http://news.cnet.com/8301-1001_3-10209580-92.html).

    The slow shift to el cheapo green servers and cloud computing makes Xserve an even tougher sell, most of all to Apple internally.

    More so than other tech companies, Apple is famous for making stuff that they want to use themselves. (I remember Steve Jobs once mentioned how Apple employees' hatred for their own cell phones helped drive the creation of the iPhone.) So I'm willing to bet that Apple looked at their server farms and thought, "Dang, we'd be stupid to put Xserves in here. Um, why are we building these things again?"

    guinness book of records. Guinness Book Of Records
  • Guinness Book Of Records

  • iApples
    Apr 4, 11:46 AM
    Why don't we just give our full paycheck to the government each week. With all these stupid taxes, we're pretty much already doing this.

    guinness book of records. I saw a copy of the Guinness
  • I saw a copy of the Guinness

  • Shaun, UK
    Oct 6, 11:30 AM
    A 4" iPhone would probably replace the 3.5" model so all the current apps would run on it no problem. It might require some tweaking for some apps but the upside is you get to update your app and sell it again.

    If they build an iPhone with the same size screen as the iPod Nano then they could invite developers to develop mini-apps for that size screen to be used on the iPod Nano and iPhone Nano, creating a new AppStore category. Would be a huge market and very attractive to developers of news/info related apps.

    guinness book of records. Guinness World Records Book
  • Guinness World Records Book

  • Hisdem
    Nov 17, 05:56 PM
    So a 17 year old can do it but a gigantic company with $50 billion lying there can't. Seems logical to me. :rolleyes:

    Wake up Steve. Seriously.

    guinness book of records. the Guinness Book of World
  • the Guinness Book of World

  • Cyberheart
    Mar 17, 04:07 AM
    9$ usd a gallon here. and thats for regular.

    jesus where do you live?

    guinness book of records. Guinness Book of Records
  • Guinness Book of Records

  • ctdonath
    Oct 6, 10:39 AM
    They've already asked their developers to change app resolutions once. 3 screen sizes will never fly with developers.

    Just get it over with and allow variable screen sizes.

    guinness book of records. Guinness book of records
  • Guinness book of records

  • Squonk
    Nov 14, 11:50 AM
    OK, now that we'll have iPod integration on flights from major airlines... And there's talk of broadband access in-flight at some point in the near future. Hmmm... I can see it now. Steve's plan is to have the iPod integration in place so that the next time I'm on a 14 hour flight, I have nothing to do but play with my iPod and shop the iTunes store. ...World domination, one small step at a time.

    Buying a movie or music while in-flight would be very cool!

    Oct 26, 09:11 PM
    I think they also fixed Addressbook. I don't remember it looking quite like that. Had to resync my contacts. Also made me resync my bookmarks.

    I like the look and all the new preferences.

    Apr 5, 11:26 AM
    When you are watching a YouTube video, I tend to forget where the home button is. Or when surfing the web for some time while in the dark.

    And I don't literally mean glow in the dark like those cheap Halloween things, I'm talking about an actual light behind the capitative square symbol which has a sensor which turns on when there is a certain level of darkness.

    I can easily envisage this happening . It would look fantastic.

    Wouldn't that be so annoying in the dark, like the backlight on the keyboard of a MBP when your watching a movie?

    Mar 23, 04:42 PM
    Are you people seriously applauding this? What a waste of our tax dollars!! I do contracts with the Navy every single day and I know that the technology that they have will not be benefited by the use of iPad/iPod/iPhone. The military does not offer wi-fi to their staff on base. Everything is hard wired and the conduit is sealed with a tamper proof silicon. The Government is very very particular about their SIPRnet (as they call it). Without wi-fi, what use is the iPad for the military other than to give them a little treat and waste our tax dollars? They already have mobile equipment in the vehicles that is far superior to Apple's products.

    You can't assume this will be used for SIPR. What about all the unclassified computers and devices? Our base has been fiddling around with some wifi lately. I don't know if we'll actually get it (doubt it) but it's a possibility.

    Apr 5, 10:30 AM
    I always question the sanity of people who use laptops this way.

    I always question the sanity of people who claim to question other peoples sanity of ridiculous things. :cool:

    Sep 13, 07:18 AM
    So you re telling me I most likely won't even be able to have a cab take me home - my partner has to work, can't get out of it.

    I'm afraid I'm going to be puking all over the place.

    I'm weird. They are going to cut a 6-inch hole in my back and remove one of my lamina and a disc, and I'm worried about anesthesia.


    If you don't have someone to drive you home and look after you for the night, it is recommended to stay in hospital overnight.

    iGary i wish that al goes to plans and your certainly in my pray's :)

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