Thursday, August 16, 2012

What's Been Going On?

So, I don't keep up with news a lot. We're too cheap/sort of poor to get cable, so we just watch Netflix and movies and I've always thought news was pretty much for the dusty old folk. Also, I've never cared much for celebrity news... okay, fine, I really really want to not care about celebrity news so I can make fun of people who do. But you know what? Fuck that. Sometimes I like celebrity news.

So the other day I saw recent picture of Miley Cyrus and thought "what the monkey balls has been going on?" So I looked it up. Turns out she cut and dyed her hair and everybody is just losing their shit over it.
So, I have a few questions.
  1. How is this news? The lady got a friggin haircut. A drastic one, yes, but really? Is there nothing else going on?
  2. What's the big deal? Like I said, people are losing their shit over this. Hey, guess what, she's not twelve anymore. She's going to go and do some dumb stuff while she figures herself out. It happens. Personally, I like her much better since she started being a bird and kissing girls and shit. It makes her feel like more of a person to me. Also I, personally, think the haircut is pretty hot.
So, there's that. Now you know that I sometimes like celebrity news. I'm not really sure why I was embarrassed about that in the first place.

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