Tuesday, August 30, 2011

You'll Eat It, And You'll Like It - An Entirely Foody Post!

Last night, Jesse made dinner.
I can't eat meat, cheese, milk, eggs, or anything made with these things, so it's usually a little difficult for anyone else to cook for me. But he did! Oh, he did.
He brought home potatoes from the grocery store and I peeled them with a giant knife(because we only have one size knife. Never before did I realize why more than one size of knife was needed.) while he "Julian...ed" some onions. Apparently that just means slicing them really thin.
Then he made me get out of the kitchen so he could do some manly cooking.
He sort of fried the onions and potatoes in olive oil until the onions started to caramelize. Then he put some sauce on them that he made with veggie cheese and almond milk.
It was so very very yummy!
I may have licked the plate, I am not ashamed.

So, this morning I made breakfast!
I made french toast and bacon for Jesse.
I wasn't sure if I even remembered how to make french toast, but it seemed like it came out all right.
I just soaked a couple pieces of bread in egg whites, fried them in some butter, and put on cinnamon. That's what you're supposed to do right? I don't have any actual idea, I was just sort of guessing. They smelled good, and Jesse didn't barf it up after eating, so I assume it turned out all right. Edible, at the very least. It's hard to make food you can't taste, because that's usually how I figure out how stuff is done, and when I should put something else in, you know?

Also, Jesse's mom and I went to eat today at a wrap/sandwich place. It was really good but I didn't think it was open when we first drove up because it was really dark in there and there were no customers. It was open though, there was one cash register lady, and one cook in the back. The cook was really friendly, really ADHD, and really really concerned about me not eating meat or cheese. It took us about ten minutes to order because he kept coming out and suggesting different things. Once the food had been ordered and brought out and we had sat down to eat, the cook came out no less than five times to tell us about his wife who didn't eat meat or cheese, and was losing all her hair because of it.
It sounds to me like his wife was just vitamin deficient, which I'm not. It was nice that he was concerned though.

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