Saturday, August 27, 2011

Dead Like Me

You know a show I miss a lot?
Dead Like Me

That was a good show.
I enjoyed the characters and the story, and the fact that the show could be both hilarious and very serious in turns.

The show was about an eighteen year old girl named George who had never really done anything with her life - she dropped out of college, didn't have friends, didn't really do anything.
Then, her mother makes her get a job at a temp agency called Happy Time. On her very first day there she goes out on her lunch break and gets hit by a toilet seat falling from a space station.
It was going really fast. She died.
But! That was not the end! Oh, no, no it was not.
She becomes a Grim Reaper. She takes people's souls before they die, and then she escorts said souls to their afterlives.
She and a few other Grim Reapers are assigned to the division of "External Influences"(murder, accidents, stuff like that.) They meet everyday at "Der Waffle Hous" where they each get a post-it from Rube - their boss, who is gruff but really cares about each of them - that has the name of the person whom they have to reap that day, along with the address where they kick it, and the estimated time of death.
 This is a crappy trailer
The other reapers are:
- Mason. Oh, Mason, Mason, Mason. Mason is a drugged up, usually drunk Brit who died in 1966 by drilling a hole in his head trying to chase a permanent high. He's a thief, and a bit of a screw up, but his heart is really in the right place and you can't help but like him.
- Betty. Betty is only around for the first five episodes, which makes me sad. Betty is quirky and adventurous, she died in 1927 while cliff diving. She's a fun character but she "hitches a ride" with a reaped soul to the afterlife and is never heard from again. So we don't know what happened to her.
- Roxy. Roxy doesn't take any crap. She will shoot you. She works as a meter maid(later she becomes a cop). She died in 1982, she was strangled to death with leg warmers by her roommate.
- Daisy. Daisy Adare. She shows up as sort of a replacement for Betty. Daisy is spoiled and snooty, she is an actress and apparently gave bjs to tons of famous people. When she first showed up I really wished someone would just hit her, because she really got on my nerves. As time goes on though you find out that Daisy is really a sweet girl who acts like she's got it together, but probably doesnt. She died on December 13, 1938 of asphyxiation/smoke inhalation in Marietta, Georgia, although she claims to have died on the set of Gone With the Wind. Her last thought before she died was "why has no one ever loved me" which is really friggin sad.
- Rube. Rube is a bit of a mystery. You don't learn how he died, just that it was over one hundred years ago and we was on a "Wanted" poster.

The show also periodically tells about George's mom, dad, and sister who are not doing to hot. Her mom is a control freak, her dad is having an affair, and her sister is acting out all over the place(stealing toilet seats, keeping dead animals). Her parents get a divorce.

Here are some videos with clips!
I just love clips! 

They dropped the show, I was sad.
Then they made a movie. It was... unfortunate.

But! All in all, a great show, that I miss.

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