Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Hunger Games

     So as you all may know "The Hunger Games" hit theaters about 2 weeks ago. Since then, everyone's been talking about it. In my opinion the movie's message is totally sad even though i absolutely LOVED <3 the movie. I also adore the name Katniss, but i dont like Peeta at all. We all have different opinions... it is still my job, well not actually my job it's more like i WANT TO, inform you about the "Hunger Games". There are three books: "The Hunger Games", "Catching Fire" and "Mockinjay". The 1st movie was directed by a different director than the second one will be. But well............ "The Hunger Games" is a very good movie and i recommend it. But keep in mind that they'll be killing... Kids killing other kids... Little girls murdered... It's a battle for life and some will do whatever it takes. EVEN KILL...

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