Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Miley Cyrus: Her new haircut!!

   Oh my GOD!! You can't believe what Miley did to her beautiful long hair!! She cut it off!! and not even clean cut it off, nooo just a weird BOYLOOKING hairut. She looks like her dog took some scissors and chopped her hair off while she was sleeping... Like really??? Come on Miley!! First the whole picture thing, then the cake and now this? REBEL isn't your thing... Well it's your hair do whatever you want with it!! Just my HUMBLE OPINION!!

And to sweeten this post with some laughs here come ellen who also had a hairdoo change this week!!:

Yep, there we go!! Funny Ellen Dengers got THE EXACT SAME HAIRCUT AS MILEY!! Haha!! Of course it's phototshoped!! But doesn't Ellen look stunning?? haha! Ellen shared the photo above on her twitter today!! She's just soooo awesome... Who looks less hideous?? Miley or Ellen??? Coment if u want and if you dont then dont!!

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