Thursday, December 23, 2010


Despite the fact that it's Christmastime, I will not be talking about Christmas.
I'm going to talk about a book that I just read... because I want to.
So, the book I just read was called Beastly. It's a sort of modern version of Beauty and the Beast and they either are making or have just made a movie based on the book. Ahem, I did not like the book.


It wasn't that it was a bad book, exactly, I just couldn't get into it. The characters and the dialogue were both unbelievable. I know, I know, it's based on a fairy tale, it's not supposed to be believable. That, however, is not what I mean. I like the curse, the witch, the magic. What I don't like is when I can't relate to the characters because they don't sound like teenagers should, stuff like that. It was a disconnected story and I didn't really enjoy it.
Yeah, worst book review ever, I know. "I just don't like it", worst reason to not read a book ever. That's that though. I didn't feel like writing anything good today. Or maybe I'll think of something good to write about later. I don't know.... I'll shut up now.

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