Thursday, December 16, 2010

Deep Down, You're Balogna

So cartoons have taught me a lot of important things over the years, here are a few of them:
  • Scooby Doo taught me that if you're being chased by monsters you should dress up in a random costume and interact with the monster until it inevitably figures out who you are, and then you should run in place for a few seconds before GETTING THE HECK OUT OF THERE!
  • Doug taught me that it's okay to wear your underwear outside of your pants if you're an imaginary superhero.
  • PepperAnn taught me that you should always look under your desk because there might be some really cool stuff under there.
  • Tom and Jerry taught me that if you paint something on a wall, it becomes real.
  • Invader Zim taught me that deep down, you're bologna.
  • Roadrunner taught me that it's okay to jump off cliffs. You wont die, you'll just leave a funny shaped hole in the ground.
  • Bugs Bunny taught me that small bald men like to hunt wabbits... whatever a "wabbit" is.
And the best part is, I've been able to use what I learned in my day to day life. Like the other day I was being chased around my house by a coyote, so I whipped out a can of paint I just happened to have in my pocket and painted myself a door!
Isn't that wonderful? And here you thought cartoons were bad for the brain.

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