Thursday, December 16, 2010

Pod Zombies

I ask myself: "Self, am I depressing?"
Myself answers(oddly enough): "Sometimes, yes. You must write about more pleasant things than your mediocre life and your waning sanity."
So I have decided to write about something different for a change.
Did I scare you? Hmm, you scare easily. We must talk about that later.
Anyway... Pod Zombies.
I am picturing myself as a zombie...

Yes, that's a Sonic in the background. It stands to reason that if I were a zombie I would most likely camp out around a Sonic. The reason being that I would of course still love their tater tots, in addition to flesh and brains.
I would probably wander mostly alone, because I would have most likely eaten any comrades I might have had.
I might also live in a bookstore or library, if I still had enough of a brain to enjoy my favorite pastime.
So, good things about zombie apocalypse:
  1. No people ( no live people)
  2. No lines (zombies don't care about Starbucks)
  3. No sharing
  4. No need for money
  5. I can live wherever I want(I ate your brain, now I want your house)
  6. No rules(everybody is dead)
  7. I don't have to worry about college
  8. No more stereotyping (all of us are zombies)
  9. No more worrying(we're zombies, nothing worse can happen)
Bad things about the zombie apocalypse:
  1. ... I'm a friggin zombie.
That's all I have to say on the subject of zombies,
Have a pleasant evening,
Zombies ate are people too.

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