Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Nineteen, 19, Nine... Plus Ten

I went to a Chinese buffet again this weekend with my dad and brother. 
I got a fortune.
Here it is.
I like the bit about the cookies. I shall save them from certain death! You can count on me!

The next night we went to Hacienda for my mom and my early birthday.

Also! I put my hair back to its natural brown.  

I know, it's boring, but I was tired of messing with it.

 My dad got me this really fancy Bible.

It has my name on it! I love things with my name on them!

It has maps, and a time line. And it tells me a bunch of junk about what I'm reading! It's awesome!

My brother got me stuffed monkey I've named Clyde.

And a blue platypus keychain that has been dubbed Sir Arnold.

My darling love got me the most amazing hat EVER.

Don't just lick stuff man!

Look at me! I'm Finn! YAY!
Jesse got himself a Jake hat, which is equally awesome.

And we went and saw that movie. You know, that one. With that one guy. And there was that girl, who was on that thing... she was also in it.
I think it had something to do with cowboys... and also aliens(I keep spelling aliens wrong today. What is wrong with me?!).

It was awesome! It had aliens, and alien chases, and Han Solo. And, really, what else can you ask for? It was a good movie. It made me want to play Spore

Anyway today was my  actual birthday. I went with Jesse's mom and grandma to get a pedicure.

I like having pretty toes but, really, getting a pedicure is weird.
I don't know, I just have a really hard time relaxing when someone is handling my feet. And it was a guy, which was weird. There's nothing like getting your legs scrubbed and slapped by a strange man to get you relaxed. 

So, anywho, I'm nineteen now. It's totally weird. 
... I'mgonna go play Spore now.

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