Wednesday, August 3, 2011

No Judgement

So, I'm thinking of changing the name of my blog. So that's a thing.

Anyway. I have something to share! 
I grew up in a pretty religious family, so pretty much the only music I heard was Christian until I was about fourteen. I must admit, once I heard... anything else, I was pretty much done with Christian music. Of course, I've been looking back lately, listening to some of the music I used to, and I've been realizing that not all Christian music sucks terribly.
One of my favorites when I was a kid was Keith Green. He was this white guy with a curly fro who played the piano and sang. My mom never liked him, she thought he sounded too old fashioned. I loved him though. I would listen to him at night, to help me fall asleep.
I went on Youtube the other day and found one of my favorite songs of his, I listened to it, and found out that I still love this song dearly. There's just something about it that really really gets me for whatever reason.
So I thought I'd share it with you.

Don't judge me! 

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