Thursday, June 23, 2011

Herbert and Gladys Gargleman

Yesterday we drove like an hour to Evansville to get the hair of various parties colored and cut. I just got my roots done, and it took the longest. It was so boring! Every time I thought the woman was done with my hair, she would have to do something else! Four hours, people. Four. Hours. No joke.
We(me, Jesse, Jesse's mom, and Jesse's dad) went to Cracker Barrel after. I usually hate Cracker Barrel because the only people that go there are the terminally old, and the very young. Also the unwilling(me). It wasn't so bad this time though because there was no one else there, because it was ten o clock so all their customers were in bed. They do have pretty good fried okra.

On the way home, Jesse decided that when he gets old he's going to change his name to Herbert... so, in retaliation I said that I would change my name to Gladys. In retaliation to that, he said that he would change our last name to Gargleman...
It wasn't pretty.

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