Monday, June 27, 2011


You know kid movies?
You know how when you watch them as a kid you're all "Ohmygod this is the best movie ever!!", and then when you watch them as an adult you realize how messed up they are?
Well, I watched Mulan the other day.
I still like it a lot, actually, but parts of it kind of pissed me off. I didn't realize before how incredibly sexist everyone in that movie was. That fat woman was all "you're a disgrace on your family!" (or whatever it was that she said) and Mulan's dad was all "you're a disgrace on your family!" and I was like "Oh no he didn't!". Basically, I hate her whole village, including her family. They're a bunch of douchewagons (except her grandma, she's the man).
So then Mulan proceeds to cross dress.... Yup. She's a tranny.
I was surprised to find that Jesse knew all the words to the song "I'll make a man out of you". When I questioned this, he told me that it was the manliest song ever, and then proceeded to sing in loudly into my ear.

It's an incredibly catchy song.
And then, toward the end, when they find out that she's a girl, that weird little secretary guy is all "Oh no! Boobs! Kill her!" (I'm paraphrasing here). What?! What's that guy's problem? Jesse says he's probably not into the ladies. Which makes sense.
So, i'm going to have to watch more movies I loved as a kid and see if they're all messed up.

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