Wednesday, July 27, 2011

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  • Tehy
    Oct 30, 09:20 AM
    Finally! maybe I should now get the .mac, hmm...

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  • tktaylor1
    Apr 27, 10:26 AM
    Anyone even remotely thinking of voting for Trump should watch this video from last night's Anderson Cooper show. (Part 2 airs tonight Tuesday 4/26)

    Or if you prefer to read about it instead:

    I used to somewhat respect this man. But the more he blathers on, the less I like or respect him. He doesn't sound that far removed from a carnival sideshow barker at this point. Definitely not Presidential material.

    Do you know where the second half of this interview is. I looked and could not find it. It would be greatly appreciated.

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  • niuniu
    Mar 26, 03:47 PM
    Publicity stunt?

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  • Big JW
    Oct 26, 07:51 PM
    - doesn't work on firefox (1.5) under WinXP

    - still can't use an email address other than email address as "reply to"

    At least they have fixed it so that it properly quotes previous emails in replies!

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  • Narrie
    Mar 28, 08:16 AM
    Looking forward!

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  • UberMac
    Sep 19, 03:35 PM
    Hopefully this will address the issues some users have seen with the Mac Pro apparently not being able to boot beyond a black screen when using the XP disc to boot from. Although I would think that is more an issue of GFX than firmware on the Mac Pro...maybe they're the same thing!

    Also, why two different downloads? Surely they could be incorporated into the same file...


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  • Ryan1524
    May 25, 11:52 PM
    i'm just curious about all the people that stated how PCs are troublesome when we're adding hardwares. after i installed XP, i did not even installed any driver and everything was recognized as soon as i plugged them in and working in no time, from keyboards, mouses, to routers, scanners, graphics cards, printers, digital cameras. i had the drivers ready, expecting the onslaught of hardware setup wizard typical of 98, but instead, there's the little pop up box near the system tray that stated that these hardwares have been recognized, drivers installed, and ready for use. and sure enough, they are. as for the hardware incompatibilities, remember that PC hardwares and softwares are made by two different companies, while any apple computers ae assembled and prepared by on company who manufactured both. therefore, they KNOW what their software needs in order for them to work perfectly.

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  • robbieduncan
    Sep 25, 11:05 AM
    S2 and S3 now supported. See the right sidebar on the raw page (

    Annoyingly for me no EOS 400D support as of yet. So I still can't use my RAW files. I'm sure it's coming though :(

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  • MacCurry
    Sep 26, 03:28 PM
    This just goes to show that Apple is in reality no better than Wal-Mart (who may be trying to thwart iTV) and Microsoft (criticized for monopolistic practices).

    I wish Apple Corps (The Beatles) would sue Apple computer's pants off for infringing on their name.

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  • Grimace
    Mar 26, 03:04 PM
    It looks like they are right outside of an Apple store!

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  • Piarco
    Jul 16, 07:23 AM
    Picked up my pre-order today, so far so good! The main reason I exchanged for my Elite was to see if the new Xbox was quieter in RL, which is its by a huge factor. I've got MW2 installing at the mo, and from 3m away can barely discern a hum - no more turbine hall, huzzah!

    With no disk in it really is whisper quiet. There's a shrill "beep" when you use the DVD drive eject button to confirm you've actually touched it, as it's not illuminated in anyway that's probably a good thing.

    Only issue I had was that the HDD was not detected first time I switched it on. One removal and insertion later and alls good, 227GB usable space. I'll ditch all of the pre-installed stuff before I get around to installing all my go-to games, add-ons, saves etc.

    Suits my Samsung HDTV to a tee, one happy owner here!

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  • shambolic
    Mar 13, 03:29 PM
    Agreed, it's the carrier that sets the time, not the device.

    I sleep with my AT&T iPhone set to airplane mode so that it won't disturb me in the night - when I woke up this morning, it was still on the old time. (Good thing I wasn't relying on any alarms)

    As soon as I switched off airplane mode, allowing it to access the cell network, it correctly jumped forward an hour to daylight savings time.

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  • maflynn
    May 5, 05:28 PM
    I like how Microsoft thinks the 11" MacBook Air is a netbook ;)

    They're not the only ones ;)

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  • eawmp1
    Apr 10, 04:51 PM
    A child is a consequence, as a consequence of saving someone's life I was rewarded rather generously by the person ($1,000 to a 6th grader is a lot).
    A consequence is a result or effect of an action or condition

    And you had the choice to keep, throw away, or give away that "consequence".

    The consequence of an action that leads to an unplanned pregnancy is pregnancy, which a woman can carry to term to raise or adopt out, or abort. Each of THESE actions carry it's own set of consequences.

    The goal of sex education (provided by PP as well as others) is to minimize the need for unplanned pregnancy. Unfortunately, using the same "morality", many groups that oppose abortion oppose sex education, the most effective tool in minimizing the need for abortion. In focusing on abortion, let's not, um, throw out the baby with the bath water.

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  • wonderbread57
    Dec 29, 12:11 AM
    This is the stupidest POS news. AM I RIGHT? Can't buy an iPhone ONLINE in NY for a day and something is interesting about this? I can't believe CNBC is so anxiously awaiting tablet and new iphone news that they think this is significant.

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  • CTYankee
    Aug 19, 10:51 AM
    oh, great. Just the thing aliens will use to find out where I am and abduct me again. Yeah, sure I had to opt in, but do you know how hard it is to say no to location features?! I mean seriously, don't they realize all the bad ways people, er 'others', can use technology like this.

    If they get me again I'm

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  • iTootyFrooty
    Apr 20, 10:38 AM
    No. Intel graphic card is not acceptable
    Why are people acting like the new Intel Graphics are the return of the plague or something. They're not even that much worse than the 320m's and definitely better than the 9400m's in the generation before. Sandy bridge processors would more than make up for the slight performance decrease in the Intel GPUs.

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  • TehReaper
    Mar 11, 08:11 AM
    Still the only ones in north park! I should of gotten more sleep lol woke up at 5:40 am >.<!

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  • fhall1
    Apr 24, 11:37 AM
    I set my NAS boxes up with a static IP address, then mount them automatically (using login items) and they've never had a problem connecting....sounds like your NAS's IP adress might have changed (using DHCP means they won't necessarily get the same IP address every time) from when you set up the login item to the next time you tried to mount it.

    Sep 25, 11:16 AM
    Looks like an excellent update. By the looks of things they've reduced the system requirements, which may mean it will be less of a resource hog.

    The MacBook is now officially supported, along with older PowerPC models too.

    Kudos to Apple for making it a free update, although there'd have justifiably been an outcry if it wasn't.

    Edit: RAW support updates also point to OS X 10.4.8 being released this week too (as per previous poster's observation).

    Apr 1, 03:50 PM
    People are wrong who think Alacarte would boil down to a handful of channels. The opposite would happen as people would not purchase duplicate channels with similar content. They would choose the one they like best and then choose something more narrowly focused in their interest range.

    People are confusing ratings on tv with what people would actually pay for to have brought into their home every month. They are not the same thing.

    Yeah, people just listen to the media. Everyone I know would just buy what they want, even if that meant 2 channels.

    By their logic, cellular companies unlimited plan should be the only plan offered, and if cellular companies offered less then everyone would only buy the minimum plans, lol. Flawwed logic propagated by misinformation.

    Apr 17, 11:42 AM
    Well good luck with that and remember MS has complete control over your WinMo phone, Google has complete control over your Android phone and Palm er... whoever buys palm has complete control over your Web OS phone.

    Speaking of morons, you definitely appear to be one.

    I used to have a couple of WinMo phones before my iPhones, and WinMo is fully customizable. MS is not trying to lock it with every minor upgrade, and there are whole open communities cooking customized ROMs.

    Same for Android - OEMs can customize it, users can customize it, and Google doesn't actively try to break these customizations with every minor update.

    And yes, my current 3G Ss are my last iProducts. I will continue to buy Apple monitors, iMacs and Mac Book Pros, because of their design, but I've had it with the iPhone. And I am staying away from the iPad, waiting for the Android slates,

    As to the magnanimous invitation to "resubmit," Fiore should have told Jobs to go ****** himself. At the very least, the honors should be on Apple to re-review the application, not on Fiore to resubmit, hat in hand.

    Apr 24, 08:52 AM
    Is there a way to have contents (home folder, applications, settings, preferences etc) of my Macs (one in the office and one at home) have any exact content.

    So I can leave my MacBookPro at work but at home pick up on where I left off on my MacBook? - have access to all the same apps and settings.

    My only guess is to SuperDuper the drive once I have the final HD and keep adding on both as I add apps/content along to both.


    Sep 20, 06:04 PM
    That's really interesting! You just held "c" at boot to load up the XP CD?

    I'm guessing you still needed to use a "slipstreamed" XP SP2 CD with the SATA drivers installed so it doesn't run in dog slow PIO mode

    Where the hell did you find chipset drivers, graphics card drivers, sound card drivers etc? :confused:

    You still need a driver CD from Apple for all can get that from someone that installed Bootcamp....

    Supposedly the new EFI update for Mac Pro (just released) solves the PIO problem without needs to slipstream the XP CD. I won't know until tomorrow, however I already did the slipstream who knows what will happen.

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