Tuesday, July 26, 2011

natalie portman star wars 2

natalie portman star wars 2. Natalie Portman amp; Hayden
  • Natalie Portman amp; Hayden

  • fivepoint
    Mar 16, 01:32 PM
    That chart isn't going to fool anyone with a brain. All it shows is what is currently implemented. It says nothing about the potential contributions of all sources, how much they cost per watt, how much pollution they produce or whether or not they are renewable. It's a colorful red herring and you know it.

    For one thing, there's no need for you to try to be a shill for the nuclear, oil, gas and coal industry - they already have well-financed lobbying operations and huge political influence. They'll get on fine without your "help". For another, it goes without saying that fossil fuels and nuclear are going to be used until they are gone. The energy demands are too great to do othwerise.

    But they are called "non-renewable" energy sources for a reason, and they all pose major pollution problems that we are still struggling with. There is absolutely no good reason not to aggressively pursue the development and adoption of renewable energy sources as soon as is practical. Some day they will produce the bulk of the world's energy out of necessity if nothing else.

    So in other words, without non-renewable energy, human civilization falls? That's a ridiculous stance.

    The things we hope are reality and things that actually are reality often times greatly differ. People sing the praises of wind and solar, but the honest to God truth is that they can't compete. Not even close. It takes THOUSANDS of giant windmills to produce what one tiny nuclear power plant can. Can we put those in your back yard? Or how about off of your state's coast? How about solar... how long exactly does it take for a solar cell to pay for itself? The chart shows that despite heavy federal subsidies that such alternatives are STILL wholly incapable of doing the job we'd need them to do without nuclear, coal, oil, natural gas, etc. The ONLY one that has proven it's worth is hydro. That that was created out of pure invention, not a government subsidy.

    Let the free market determine which technologies win. Stop wasting our money on advancing idiotic technologies which haven't been able to prove themselves after 20+ years of subsidies. If there's wealth to be earned by developing such a technology, it will be developed.

    Oh come on! You know what the answer to that will be. Panic wins every time as it makes better TV. :rolleyes:

    Potassium Iodide tablets (retail $10 bottle) going for $500 on eBay. People are so stupid sometimes...

    Yes, people have much potential for stupdity. They also have much potential to accomplish great things. Even (especially) without government holding their hands.

    How's that going to work? People have to be fed too...

    You're operating under a few false assumptions. First, bio fuels do not have to compete with food at all. Switch grass, moss, algae digesters, etc... its a quickly evolving world. Second, a great deal of our food price is wrapped up into transportation of said food. Third, using corn for fuel doesn't mean people go hungry, it only means that the price of corn goes up. Consequently prices of other goods might go up or down. What we probably agree on is that ethanol, etc. should not be subsidized.

    natalie portman star wars 2. natalie portman star wars 2.
  • natalie portman star wars 2.

  • Xtremehkr
    Mar 18, 09:35 PM
    iTMS exists to sell iPods yes. But, if iTMS does not do something to protect the profits of those who allow iTMS to sell their songs then they will stop supplying iTMS with songs to sell.

    There was a way to get around this before, but it was only used by a minority of people and considered an acceptable loss I guess.

    What you have here is someone who is internationally advertising a way to beat copyright protections through iTMS, which hurts Apple as it may affect suppliers of music to iTMS.

    There were ways to beat iTMS before and the best way was to avoid it altogether and use a P2P software.

    This to me is different however. It is a direct attack on Apple aimed at disuading music labels from providing iTMS with songs to download.

    In this instance I stand with Apple, as the MP3 market heats up, one of the determining factors in who people choose to buy their music from is going to be exclusive content. Labels are not going to release material to distributors who cannot assure that their material won't be easily pirated.

    *If they fix this hole and leave everything else in place there really is no problem*

    The songs iTMS sells are not their own! iTMS is a middleman that is not guaranteed access to the product that it resells. An essential part of selling iPods is being able to offer current music to play on them. iTMS needs to protect its ability to resell the music needed to use on iPods.

    natalie portman star wars 2. natalie portman star wars. 2)
  • natalie portman star wars. 2)

  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Sep 20, 09:47 AM
    Since iTV most likely wont be a DVR device, I coughed up $700 today for a Sony DVR instead.
    I am sure Apple has a brilliant plan for the iTV, but I fail to see it.

    natalie portman star wars 2. Star wars II: Attack
  • Star wars II: Attack

  • dlcrow
    Mar 18, 10:23 AM
    How exactly are they able to tell if someone is tethering or not?

    Every OS and application creates network data in a way that network sniffing can do a pretty good job of detecting where it is coming from.

    In the simplest case, browsers put User-Agent strings into every HTTP request. For a more complex case, just looking at the TCP packets can often tell you where they came from. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TCP/IP_stack_fingerprinting for more details.

    It's not a hard problem to tell if you are tethering or not.

    natalie portman star wars 2. Star Wars: Episode II - Attack
  • Star Wars: Episode II - Attack

  • Panther
    Mar 18, 02:26 PM
    Note: This application has been untested by this site, and Apple will likely take steps to prevent future usage.iTMS just used web service interfaces and XML over HTTP... It will be interesting to see just how they could stop an app from accessing.

    What is more likely is that the iTMS servers would add in the DRM and buyer metadata before it gets downloaded. Its actually a little shocking that it wasn't designed to do that in the first place!

    natalie portman star wars 2. Natalie Portman vs Keira
  • Natalie Portman vs Keira

  • Tobsterius
    Apr 13, 07:55 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Not every video professional has the desire or the ability to take off of work and attend NAB. Their opinions and concerns on new products demo'd that they use every day or might purchase for their business at the show are just as valid as people who decided to attend.

    NAB isn't a pilgrimage. You aren't required to drop everything and attend.

    natalie portman star wars 2. Natalie Portman Hakkında
  • Natalie Portman Hakkında

  • paul4339
    Apr 28, 01:07 PM
    Well it doesn't matter what you think either then! :p

    And that's a stupid argument, I'm pretty sure 99% of people on this forum understood what I meant when I said, a computer shouldn't need a computer to be usable. :rolleyes:

    I could be wrong, but I don't think that was his point... I think he meant it doesn't matter if you think it should be part of the shipment market share report or not.

    That is, I think his point is even if it's not considered a computer, the report is just showing what people are buying (where the market is heading)

    natalie portman star wars 2. Star Wars Keira Knightley And
  • Star Wars Keira Knightley And

  • ArizonaKid
    Aug 29, 11:08 AM
    Why do these "tree-huggers" have to interfere with business?

    Apple does what they can to have more "enviornmentally-friendly" ways of processing their products. But 4th worst?

    As a business professional, there most certainly is a capitalistic argument for environmentally friendly businesses.

    I will provide the link this time:


    This is something Apple can improve. So why not go for it?

    natalie portman star wars 2. Natalie Portman as Queen
  • Natalie Portman as Queen

  • Thomas2006
    Oct 14, 10:52 AM
    BTW Looks like Apple is way overcharging for the 3GHz Woodcrest upgrade. Only cost them $322 more - probably less off the published price list - yet they are asking for $800. That doesn't seem fair to me. Does it to you? I would think that $500 would be a more reasonable upgrade price for something that cost them about $300.
    Maybe it is so when the quad-core systems come out Apple can keep the same price for the top-end while lowering the price on dual-core systems and still make a profit. The people that wait for the quad-cores will be happy they did and the people that don't care can get a Mac Pro for less because they waited.

    natalie portman star wars 2. Star Wars Episode II: Attack
  • Star Wars Episode II: Attack

  • jaguarx
    Oct 30, 05:19 PM
    Personally I'm waiting for this upgrade not for the 8 cores (it doesn't really help my kind of workflow much) but hopefully a base of 2 gig ram for less and a price drop, even a small one on the quad 2.66 and 3.0Ghz processors. Considering the Macbook Pros now come with 2 gig base it seems fairly likely.

    That said the one thing I'd love to see would be hardware RAID support. I just don't quite trust softRAID as much as dedicated hardware and would love to do RAID1+0 with WDRaptors.

    natalie portman star wars 2. natalie portman star wars
  • natalie portman star wars

  • AceCoolie
    Mar 18, 11:09 AM
    I want to jail break my iphone 4 and install mifi. The reason is to create a mobile router that my iPad and camera can connect to so that images shot my camera will appear on my iPad. This will not involve any data going to the internet. Is this a violation of my ATT agreement? Will then even be able to tell I'm doing it?

    natalie portman star wars 2. Natalie Portman
  • Natalie Portman

  • sprakope
    Aug 29, 11:21 AM
    Besides, I said that Apple is doing what they can.

    Actually, the last shareholder meeting had the vote to start the computer recycling program. The board of directors recommended that the shareholders vote "No" but the shareholders decided that the recycling program was important.

    I love Apple as much as the next guy, but that recommendation was irresponsible and backwards. Apple deserves this bad press.

    [edited to fix the quote. i quoted the wrong post]

    natalie portman star wars 2. Titles: Star Wars: Episode II
  • Titles: Star Wars: Episode II

  • noservice2001
    Sep 26, 01:32 AM
    so can i expect a quad core macbook pro soon?

    natalie portman star wars 2. Star Wars: Episode II - Attack
  • Star Wars: Episode II - Attack

  • Edge100
    Apr 15, 11:23 AM
    You are just being disingenuous. I think you just did not quote the part that says it is only OK with the Catholic church if gay men and women do not give physical expression to their gay "inclinations".

    Sorry, but do you not see how horrid this position is?

    "We won't hate you, as long as you deny who you are."

    Jesus H. Christ.

    natalie portman star wars 2. natalie portman star wars
  • natalie portman star wars

  • sth
    Apr 13, 03:01 AM
    Even before the announcement, I knew that it wouldn't take more than 3 comments on MacRumors before somebody would call it iMovie Pro, probably just on based on the screenshots (surprise surprise, Apple didn't continue the old MacOS9 UI).

    Apple has just shown a fraction of the features. There's still no detailed information available anywhere (not even Apple's homepage), yet many people in this thread seem to know exactly what FCP-X will and won't do.

    And besides, if there's no equivalent functionality to Color etc. built into FCP-X, who says that they won't just release them as seperate applications on the App Store?

    [edit]: http://www.loopinsight.com/2011/04/12/apple-says-stay-tuned-for-other-final-cut-studio-apps/

    natalie portman star wars 2. Natalie Portman Star Wars II
  • Natalie Portman Star Wars II

  • AppliedVisual
    Oct 30, 09:30 PM
    This doesn't have anything to do with the new machines, but does anybody have in inkling of how to get extra drive sleds for a MacPro?

    The Mac Pro uses sleds??? Uh, oh... Why Apple, why??? So it's not like my G5 quads where everything you need is included (just add drives)? That sucks. :mad:

    Is this really true?

    natalie portman star wars 2. Natalie Portman is my dream
  • Natalie Portman is my dream

  • ductapesuprhero
    Mar 20, 02:12 AM
    I've used iTMS before I bought my iPod Shuffle (way cool!) to simply download music and burn to it CDs. Beats the inconvenience of running out to Walmart and buying the CD for even more money. And I get to search and preview. This is the best way to buy music WITH OR WITHOUT a portable music player.

    Also, $0.34 is a nice profit per song * 300+ million songs and growing. Not bad business for just pushing bits! :cool:

    Off Topic: Any with an iPod Shuffle think the plastic is reminiscent of Lego (R) plastic?

    No one has mentioned the bigger picture... Apple sells music to sell iPods for the same reason they make iLife, Safari, and OSX - to sell computers. Sure, Apple has raked in $100milion in profits from iTunes, and as big as that number sounds, it pales in comparison to the rest of their numbers.
    Its all about the halo effect.

    Plus, what people don't see is that they are not buying music, or a file etc.; they are purchasing the right to play that file/music which carries with it certain terms and conditions. The DRM is there simply to enforce what you've already agreed to. If its so bad, why do you agree to it in the first place? To download the music? That's both illegal and unethical; it is not your music.

    [EDIT: Typo]

    natalie portman star wars 2. natalie portman star wars
  • natalie portman star wars

  • Lennholm
    May 2, 10:05 AM
    Hmm, this sounds like Internet Explorer five years ago.

    natalie portman star wars 2. Natalie Portman no 1
  • Natalie Portman no 1

  • dukebound85
    Apr 24, 01:50 PM
    If I told you I were a homosexual would that discredit or vindicate my views? Would it make them more... acceptable?

    As in he hopes since you have the view of people should not infringe on your rights, that you should hopefully not infringe on others....such by opposing gay marriage

    Apr 24, 11:12 AM
    Don't forget it's thought the Caliph Umar ordered the burning of the Library at Alexandria. He's quoted as saying: "�If the books agree with the Qur�an, they are superfluous. If they disagree with it, they are heretical.�

    While this may be apocryphal the fact is that Saladin, remember, that great 7th Day Adventist conueror of the Middle-East) used this example as justification to order the burning of many ancient libraries when he reconquered Egypt.

    And the Catholic church had Galileo jailed for his work on heliocentrism (just one of a countless litany of anti-scientific acts).

    Islam doesn't have the monopoly on ridiculous religiously influenced anti-scientific murder and vandalism.

    Apr 6, 04:04 AM
    One thing that got me was that you cannot make apps fill the screen without dragging and resizing. You can only resize from the bottom right corner. No real other annoyances for me that I can think of.

    That is being dealt with in Lion... you'll be able to resize on all edges.

    I was in the same situation as you OP until some 4-5 years ago, when I was introduced to mac through work. I was stubborn and went through the whole "pc is equal to mac and cheaper" rubbish :)
    But this also colors me in relations to noticing bad things about OSX.

    I agree with the window resizing thing. But since that's taken care off... well.

    To be honest I think you need to consider the positive sides as well. Things like not having a visible program folder with all sorts of nice files to click on. It's basically just an icon on a mac (though one that you can explore to reveal the contents).

    Another thing... I never fully understood why I had to be bothered with the way a pc starts up. First the loading screen with hardware checks and what not. Then the black screen, then the windows loading screen and if one had it enabled, the login screen, and then the whole preparing of the desktop area to start up services and so on.

    Compared to OSX, that is just too much and not being a programmer etc. I couldn't care less with all that initial info the boot screens on a pc gives me.

    What you wont like about switching is the extremely closed univers of Apple. You sync items to a specific computer instead of having a free roaming device that can sync anywhere. Crist it's easier to copy files from my work iMac to my HTC phone than to my mates iPhone... ??!!

    One thing to add with Apple universe is that I think they are working their way towards an even tighter app store. In the future I could easily see something similar to that Sky idea where you don't own the app but a license to access the online contents :S I think that will take longer to catch on in the pc universe.

    Regarding browsers... I work with FF all day. But at home I was used to Explorer 8. I really like Explorer better than FF. Can't explain why, I just feel FF is heavier now to use than IE is. Also it seems like either FF or OSX requires more addons to use the same websites and services than IE on my pc does.

    Folders... I'm so used to the whole disk drive with subfolders, fx. E: and then a folder for every little thing I've got.
    The OSX system while probably the same, feels different. Best explained by:

    OSX: 2-3 cabinets with several drawers and in the drawers are subfolders.

    Windows: 1 cabinet, 1 drawer, lots of subfolders. (unless one partitions ones drive :) )

    But all in all, I'm really really happy that I switched. My new MBP feels stable, OSX looks nice (I even geeked out and changed the looks on my folders etc :P), and it allows me to concentrate on what is important, and that is not tweaking (I'm not 15-18 anymore), it's getting work done and get it done smoothely.

    In general its only about adjusting to a new setting.

    Mar 19, 11:02 PM
    No no, I don't think people get it.

    If they put DRM on the track before you buy it, then everyone who buys that song will have the same song with the same DRM, which means that any computer can play it, as everyone has the same iTunes and a track with the same DRM.

    Adding specific DRM on the fly isn't what Apple has to do, either. Your iTunes still has to know that it IS the computer that you can play a particular track from, and not just any computer.

    No that is not true. If you had read my previous post to this post, you would have seen where i said that your copy of itms would have to send a key to the itms server. Each computer would send a unique key so the song cannot play on any other computer other than the one that sent the key. This is not technically challenging, not like building a rocket ship or anything. I could do it.

    Apr 6, 09:27 PM
    Is customization really any worse than windows? I have never found customization in windows to be very intuitive, and one of the draws for OS X for me would be that it looks so much cleaner (by default). I've spent ages customizing windows and can never make it look good with solid-style windows anymore. It's either transparency or it looks horrible, and I am not a big fan of transparency or aero. The only thing I can imagine wanting to customize in OS X are the icons and I already know that much easier solutions exist than for windows.

    Sep 12, 04:12 PM
    Please excuse me if I am missing something totally obvious here as I am a relatively new convert to Apple.

    This looks like a nice little solution but I am not sure its anything revoloutionary. I currently have an airport express in the bedroom connected to an eyehome unit that does the same job as far as i can see.You are right it does nearly the same job. A few differences, one you pointed out the eyeHome can't play copy protected files. The other this thing plays HD not SD like the eyeHome.

    My guess is elgato will not offer the eyeHome once this comes out.

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