Sunday, July 31, 2011


So I'm here instead of working on writing, like a good girl.
I'll do it later, okay?
I am the reincarnated queen of procrastination.

I'm watching the food channel again, I've just been watching Kelsey's Essentials which I like because Kelsey Nixon is adorable. Also she looks like she's twelve, which is weird. 
I wonder how old she actually is? I'll have to look that up.
That's it! I'll Google her! 
Oh, dear me, I do love Googleing(Googling? Goggleing? Gweegling?) people! So much fun.
I'll be right back.

:tick tock, tick tock:

Well, Wikipedia doesn't have much on her at all(disappointment), and that's as far as I'm willing to search right now. Anyway she's cool, she uses lots of herbs and junk.

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