Tuesday, July 26, 2011

over 40 hairstyles

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  • clayj
    Sep 17, 11:16 AM
    Lick my mini.

    Oh, wait, that may be a bit too forward. :oIn your case, it's just inaccurate. Shouldn't it be "Lick my nano"? :D

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  • women over 40. Hairstyles

  • Rocketman
    Oct 6, 02:52 PM
    No way in hell. They've already asked their developers to change app resolutions once. 3 screen sizes will never fly with developers.

    99.999% likelihood of this being total nonsense.

    It is not necessary to change screen resolution to miniaturize the device. An iPad for example is the opposite of dense graphics to the degree shrinking it could maintain the same resolution even at 6-7" diagonal.

    An "iPhone nano" could have the same screen resolution as an iPhone 3GS and be the size of a bit over an iPod nano. Like the current iPod Nano x2 or so.

    I agree having too many resolutions is a problem, mainly for bit flipping applications like games and fixed I/O display apps.

    In all these years true screen size independence has not happened, so I am not holding my breath now either, since Apple has been dumbing down or crippling the CPU, graphics, and memory.

    Whatever China wants is what Apple is making. Yes Verizon will have LTE/CDMA handsets, but AT&T will have LTE/GSM handsets and will maintain market dominance where their service does not have holes. Verizon will exploit captured clients and areas where AT&T service is lacking.

    Once LTE is turned on the entire estimate where those zones are will change because the easiest way for AT&T to poach Verizon clients is to offer what they want. LTE/something slower, modern handsets, post-sale service.

    Verizon customer service is widely hated.


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  • MacRumorUser
    Mar 31, 11:46 AM
    ^ Let us know how Rayman plays.

    I'm picking up Rabbids 3D tomorrow.

    Ridge Racer is a slow burner and has grown on me. Really enjoying Lego StarWars, however the space combat levels are pants. PilotWings is my biggest let down. There's nothing that 'bad' about it - it's just that it doesn't have the magic of past pilotwings.

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  • TehReaper
    Mar 11, 08:11 AM
    Still the only ones in north park! I should of gotten more sleep lol woke up at 5:40 am >.<!

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  • whoodie
    Mar 18, 09:10 PM
    I called Knox and Northpark at 8:30pm and the said they would both have stock. They said they've been holding all shipments till tomorrow.

    What time are they opening?

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  • styles for women over 40.

  • iPhelim
    Oct 26, 08:54 AM
    just about to set off to the store now (coming from guildford), should be there about 4.20, ill post some photos and crowd updates to the forum. see you guys there

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  • GFLPraxis
    Apr 5, 04:52 PM
    Fantastic. Apple should have Thunderbolt across most of their Mac line by the time this comes out on the iPhone 5/iPad 3, and most new PCs will have USB 3.

    Super-high-speed syncing, plus possibly external devices due to Thunderbolt's daisy chain ability?

    It could make an iPad/iPhone accessories market of Thunderbolt devices that pushes adoption...

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  • women over 40. hairstyles

  • saving107
    May 2, 12:48 PM
    I was at the Apple Store yesterday and I placed my Black iPhone side-by-side (on a flat surface) with White model they have on display, and my friend and I could not tell the difference is thickness.

    I did the same with 2 other White models and had the same result, so I was rather baffled as to what the bloggers were reporting. So Phil Schiller was not lying, thanks Phil.

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  • emiljan
    Apr 27, 12:33 PM
    Although i don't have a suggestion for your graphing program. here (http://seashore.sourceforge.net/The_Seashore_Project/About.html) is something that is very similar to MSPaint, but much better.

    Its called seashore and its open-source and free.

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  • robeddie
    Apr 21, 10:25 AM
    Apple never said they removed the BL KB because it is a luxury feature. In fact, none of us knows why Apple removed it.

    You right. But that's a very common theory here on these threads. I use that analogy to suggest how ridiculous that would be if Apple really did remove it to 'differentiate' the product lines.

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  • King Cobra
    Sep 15, 02:23 PM
    I'll PM you about it, since it would move the thread well off topic.

    over 40 hairstyles. hair styles for women over 40.
  • hair styles for women over 40.

  • jonhcox
    Apr 19, 10:21 AM
    Isn't that the old-style calculator app?

    Is it me or does that phone look strangely proportioned? My black iP4 looks just minimally larger in my hand than my iPod Touch 4th gen, yet that phone looks really large in his hand. And I don't have large hands. It looks especially thicker. Maybe it's because I have only had one cup of coffee today. Time to get more.

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  • jelloshotsrule
    Sep 17, 10:15 AM
    Lick my mini.

    Is that a nano in your pocket or are you just not very thrilled to see me?

    so you guys have size issues eh?

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  • mavherzog
    Sep 1, 06:06 AM
    My thought/hope is that the new functionality currently under wraps is improvements to the Finder and Safari.

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  • DPinTX
    Mar 11, 12:49 PM
    Stonebriar Frisco update, about 60 in line. Apple rep going down line asking if we have any questions and will try to give us answers.

    Asked about what and when accessories are available

    Ask about how many per person

    Asked about qnty of each available

    Asked about flow when doors open at 5:00

    And if we do not want personal setup is there an express pay lane


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  • Mr Bigs
    Feb 19, 09:00 AM
    Obama (and the Chinese Premier) had a high profile meeting with Balmer only last month (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/12/10/AR2010121006226.html).

    Why was Steve Jobs snubbed? ;)Their is no way in Hell our government is gonna switch over to OSX so that is your answer.;)

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  • JackSYi
    Sep 1, 01:48 AM
    I can't wait till MWSF 07.

    over 40 hairstyles. Haircuts For Women Over 40
  • Haircuts For Women Over 40

  • JonasLondon
    Sep 25, 10:17 AM
    Aperture 1.5 news:

    - images can be stored on DVDs or other media
    - previews are shown in high quality even if they are stored on DVDs/"offline"
    - Aperture Library can be used in media browser of iLife/iWork (iDVD for ex.)
    - open API for example for the online ordering of images via internet (through non-Apple services)
    - API available through ADC
    - new loupe, magnification level no longer tied to specific settings/steps
    - better sharpening tool
    - meta data handling greatly simplified, presets allow meta data to be assigned to several images etc.
    - new full screen comparison mode for several images at once
    - loupe shows color information
    - new editing functions
    - color adjustments can be locked to specific color ranges, preset support
    - (cool!) offline media can be "edited", meta data accessible too

    over 40 hairstyles. hairstyles women over 40
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  • thesmileman
    Mar 11, 07:27 AM
    The line is growing.

    Apr 6, 05:55 AM
    I see it as a portable Wii,

    I already have portable wii...... that is until I expel it ;)

    Apr 12, 05:38 PM
    neither would qualify as far as the law is concerned. You're merely acting on your own prejudices in those cases. Typically the laws that exist are aimed to prevent you from depriving others of their rights as a citizen, and typically those laws exist only where there's a long history of that happening.

    If people are less likely to use a cashier who is an ethnic minority (which I dispute, but anyway), would that make them less productive and less valuable for their employer?

    So, if it is thought that an ethnic minority would actually do a job worse, because of other people's discrimination, then ethnicity technically would make a difference to their ability to do a job.

    Would this be grounds for not employing them?

    Mar 25, 01:42 AM
    that almost makes me feel bad for selling a 16gb wi-fi only for $375 last week. Oh well...i'm over it.


    Aug 14, 03:49 PM
    When Apple aired those Intel ads of the Intel fab plant talking about dull PCs, a lot of PC users got angry over that. There was quite a backlash against Apple when they do negative advertising like that, simply making PC users look stupid (which they are of course ;)). It harkens back to the days, post-1984 ad, when they shown PC users as lemmings walking off a cliff. Hehe. :)

    I loved that ad. Jack Bauer (Kiefer Sutherland) talking about Apple computers. How much better can it get?

    By the way, 24 is the most addicting show I've ever watched.

    Mar 20, 02:58 PM
    It seems like the majority of the comments are about Price, personal purchase and Higher ed use cases. All of these comments miss the point of what the announcement is about, institutional purchases. This is about school's buying large quantities, and really, since I have a hard time imagining that a University would be buying 10 packs of iPods . Yes, I know that schools like ACU have innovative 1:1 ipod /phone programs where they provide devices to the student, that is not really what this bundle is about). The target audience of a program like this is clearly K12. It is similar to bundles that apple currently has of 32 iPod touches and a Bretford cart or use in a K12 classroom.

    This is all interesting, but the biggest challenge and obstacle that Apple has in K12 is that the iPod ecosystem is a consumer model. It is also not a Higher ed model, where students own their own device and are conditioned to the requiremet of buying their content. I work as a technologist for a 200+ school district and we have been trying to figure out for the better part of a year how to make this consumer product work in k12 setting.

    We've been running pilots in several schools / classes since late spring of 09 and the biggest problem we have is getting a straight answer on how to liscence paid applications. We've asked several Apple representatives "if I buy a class set of 32 ipods, and I want to use a paid app, how many copies does the school need to buy, how many itunes accounts do we need, how many computers do we need to sync all 32 devices and how can we purchase using ta purchase order (no school is going to relish tying a credit card to a personal account, or cutting a PO for 30 $25 itunes gift cards!)

    The answer we have gotten back every time has been not 32, not 1, not 1 for every 5 devices, but the question does not apply, the iPod and iTunes are consumer products and the enduser agreement is for consumers not institutions, and when asked for advice we've been told that Apple does not provide interpretations of their agreements and how we choose to interpret it is a mater that we should take up with our in-house council.

    The good will and glow of Apple in education will continue to drive adoption of the ipod and ipad. I know millions of stimulus dollars went to ipods in school districts around the country, unfortunately, until Apple accepts the fact that school districts are not individuals and they have to "think different" and work with us when we ask for advice on how to successfully use their products in K12, much of the money and the potential will go o waste.

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