Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Admiral Boring Pants, Reporting For Duty

The weekend before this last one I went with Jesse and two of our friends, Chris and Max, to InConJunction. A SciFi and Fantasy convention. I'll be honest, parts of it were boring and there were a LOT  of nerds but there were also some things that were pretty cool. It was End Of The World themed so there were a lot of panels about zombies.
The vendor's room was pretty neat. I got a flower ring, some homemade soap, and some really good smelling bath fizz from a nice lady at a booth for Body Eclectic Skin Care. I really like the soap and the bath fizz. I took a picture, but it was on my phone which is refusing to upload pictures at the moment.
Anyway, it was a pretty enjoyable trip. I got to spend time with my friends, who are pretty cool people.

I've been a little behind with, well, everything lately. Mostly because of three things. 
1) I've finished Buffy(ohmygodawesome and I got the comics so I have to read those) and have started watching Angel, which i'm also enjoying a lot.
2) I got Pokemon White, and have started playing that.

3) I'm playing Dragon Age Origins again. Last time I played a dwarf warrior and I had very little problem with the game. It was awesome. This time I'm playing it as an elf rouge and I'm having quite a bit of trouble, really. I seem to have developed this pesky habit of dying. It's still an awesome game though.

Anyway, I'm pretty boring at the moment. So I'd like to leave you with this video by danisnotonfire, who I think is a funny guy.

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