Sunday, July 29, 2012

Some Stuff That I Used To Do

I realized yesterday that since I moved in with Jesse a while back and work in his restaurant now and have adopted his friends as my own I've taken on much of his life and, at the same time, slowly forgotten bits of mine(sorry that was such a long sentence).
I realized this when I was making the long drive to to Evansville to visit my dad because he had to get surgery (he's alright, by the way). Before I left I went to the garage and got some of my CDs that I haven't listened to in ages. I yelled/sang along the whole way there and you know what? I felt great. I got back a little part of me that I had let go.
So this post is going to be about some things that I've lost, and I want back.


I don't have the coolest taste in music, but I like it, okay? It's a thing I lost because Jesse and his friends have very different taste in music (mostly various types of metal) and there are more of them than there are of me, so I slowly stopped listening to mine and started listening to theirs.
So i'm going to start listening to mine again.


Just books in general, I still have a bunch and I try to read as much as possible but still not even close to as much as I used to. And I don't get new books anymore, which is a thing that used to be a huge deal for me. I'd save up and buy books. And since books are such a big part of who I am, I figure I should start doing that again.

Graphic Novels

I'm not really sure why I got out of this one, but I used to be all about graphic novels. So, yeah, that.


I went through a for serious YouTube nerd phase a few years ago. I made YouTube videos (they sucked whale balls), I talked about YouTube a lot and I watched YouTube videos, like, constantly. I have a MATTG shirt... While I don't want to go that level of HAAM again, there are a few YouTube channels that I'd like to watch again.

So, that's some stuff to do!

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