Tuesday, July 3, 2012

There Are Eggs In My Hair!

I'm not really one who puts a lot of work into my image. I get up in the morning, get dressed, go pee, try not to look directly in the mirror and go to work. Not because i'm so very nature friendly, or selfless or into natural beauty. Mostly I just don't have enough time or a reason to do things like put on makeup. If I do decide to wear makeup it's usually just eyeliner and mascara.
I don't wash my hair every day, but that's okay because it's totally healthy for your hair not to wash it too much!
Anyway, my point is, what im about to say may seem a little weird.
Tonight, I put raw eggs in my hair.
I was reading about things that are good for your hair, things like avocado, coconut oil, and castor oil thinking "I wish I had any of this stuff here" and then BOOM this article says that you can put raw eggs in your hair. 
Yup. Two eggs, rub them in, leave for twenty minutes and wash out (that's what the article said, anyway). I thought "Hey! Wait just a cotton-pickin' minute here (you're imagining me with an accent, aren't you?)! I have eggs! Right here in my fridge! Well then what am I waiting for? Let's rub these babies into my protein starved scalp and see what it cooks up (Get it? Because you cook eggs?)!" Wow that was a lot of exclamation points. Anywho I got some eggs and put them on my head!
My first three thoughts were:
1) Wow, this is really gross.
2) Holy crap this is gross.
and 3) Oh my God this is so gotdang gross
I did giggle pretty much the whole time though.

So then I waited twenty minutes and washed my hair quickly in the sink (because the town is having a bit of a water crisis). 
Any difference? Well... my hair certainly is very wet. Yeah, yeah, I know these things take time. But I want long, luxurious, flowing locks now, please. In a world where I'm one click away from viewing dinosaur/rice-pudding porn, I still have to wait for nice hair? This is ridiculous. Also, I guess I never really stopped to smell raw eggs. Those guys smell really weird.

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