Sunday, March 28, 2010

:::MAD LIBS interviews:::

getting to know our women in comedy:::getting to know all about them
by, WICF guest blogger: Brooke Connolly

Hello my name is: Jenny Z (Liz Fang).
And, I'm a: Brick house of Comedy.
I'm performing at the Second Annual Women in Comedy Festival on Weds, 24th 9pm at My leisure.
I got into comedy because: I wanted to have the chance to connect with total strangers and make them laugh in order to fill the deep hole inside me that was a product of my Mother. And the free sex and I have a boner....for comedy.
When you see me you'll notice: I'm always smiling. Mother says thats how you get a man. And not making eye contact and that I like to talk about these things the most: Renaissance Festivals, Fat Camp, Wishing I were English and Jews, Jews, Jews!.
When I think of being a: Popsicle in comedy, it makes me feel: sticky, yet desired on a hot day.
What keeps me up at night is: My cat, Rocky.
And, what gets me out of bed in the morning is: My Cat, Rocky. He sucks.
If I hadn't chose the path of comedy, I would have been: A Gynecologist so I could still talk about vaginae all day.
See you this week!, Poopsick! (Russian for adorable dolls and my nick name. Cruel world.).
And you can see me anytime in the virtual world here:

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