Friday, March 26, 2010

:::MAD LIBS interviews:::

getting to know our women in comedy:::getting to know all about them
by, WICF guest blogger: Brooke Connolly

Hello my name is: Leah Bonnema.
And, I'm a: major Lord of the Rings fan.
I'm performing at the Second Annual Women in Comedy Festival on Saturday March 27th at Mottleys.
I got into comedy because: I can't seem to keep my mouth shut and I have problems keeping my opinion to myself.
When you see me you'll notice that: I look like I am going to be more polite than I actually am and that I like to talk about things my mom wishes that I wouldnt say in public and that I like to talk about these things the most: at inopportune moments, or when there is a microphone around, and ideally there is ice cream somewhere nearby so I can eat it later while I obess over what I said and wished I had more of a filter.
When I think of being a: woman in comedy, it makes me feel: unconventional and alive.
What keeps me up at night is: R2D2, my Guinea Pig, making so many beeps and bups I think he is trying to communicate with The Death Star.
And, what gets me out of bed in the morning is: coffee and overwhelming anxiety.
If I hadn't chose the path of comedy, I would have been: a mess, totally aimless, and possibley a junkie. If that didn't work out I also wanted to be a marine biolgist or a private detective with a drinking problem.My mom wanted me to be an engineer.
See you this week! Looking forward to laughing with everyone kiddos!!!.
And you can see me anytime in the virtual world here: and

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