Friday, March 26, 2010

:::MAD LIBS interviews:::

getting to know our women in comedy:::getting to know all about them by, WICF guest blogger: Brooke Connolly

Hello my name is: Shereen Kassam.
And, I'm a: multi-ethnic goddess.
I'm performing at the Second Annual Women in Comedy Festival on wednesday at Improv Boston.
I got into comedy because: club owner wouldn't refund my money after what I thought was an unfunny comedy show and I have not regretted a minute of my new found passion.
When you see me you'll notice: I dress like a lesbian and that I like to talk about these things the most: likely will get a strong reaction out of you, make you judge me just a tiny bit, and perhaps make you think I'm a racist.
When I think of being a: women in comedy, it makes me feel: sexy.
What keeps me up at night is: my boyfriend who is an expert cuddler.
And, what gets me out of bed in the morning is: my job.
If I hadn't chose the path of comedy, I would have been: more sure of where my life is going.
See you this week!, Cambridge.
And you can see me anytime in the virtual world here:

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