Saturday, March 27, 2010

Overheard @ WICF: Bonnie McFarlane interviews Jackie Kashian this morning on camera- talking about being a woman in comedy for her upcoming documentary:

transcribed by: WICF guest blogger: Brooke Connolly

Jackie & Bonnie are in the green room @ Improv Boston.
Jackie has just wrapped up her packed Stand-Up Workshop: Stand-Up Comedy- Road Work & Bookers.

Bonnie: Let's talk about your thing you just did, you are at the Second Annual Women in Comedy Festival
Jackie: It's the second year?
Bonnie: Yeah...
Jackie: It's exciting to be here, I got to do a show a last night, I got to see a lot of comics I don't know and that was neat.
Bonnie: People always ask, "You're working with all of these women is there a lot of fights?"
Jackie: It's unique, it's rare, it's a beautiful rare bird to work with other women, so it's really cool.
Bonnie: I think so too, it's so rare to see what everyone else is doing.
Jackie: And, you know how people are like, well, about, some people say, that women comics talk about the same thing, and then you see a show with 6 women comics and turns out they are not- they are 6 different comics talking about 6 different lives, much like all white guys, don't talk about the same things, they might all talk about their sex lives at some point, as do all 6 women comics, might talk about their sex lives, that's a human condition- not a male or a female. But, all black comics do talk about injustice...
Bonnie: O brother, white guys, do this, black guys do that
Jackie: *laughs*
Jackie: And they're for it, they're for injustice...
Bonnie: Yeah, they love injustice- what would they have without it.
Jackie: *laughs*- They would just have fulfilled lives, if they didn't have to worry about injustice.
Jackie: Poor bastards.
Bonnie: *laughs*- So, you had a great show last night...
Jackie: I did, they were a great crowd, down at that Motleys Comedy Club.
Bonnie: I saw a woman throwing her head back, like really gutteral laughing a lot.
Jackie: Sweet, which is good cause you know why- cause I slave over a hot stove, like a lady comic should and make those jokes.

Jackie Kashian plays tonight with Maria Bamford and host/festival director, Maria Ciampa @ Improv Boston @ 8pm.
Bonnie McFarlane plays tonight with Sara Benincasa and Robin Gelfenbien @ Improv Boston at 10:30pm

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